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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. C

    42 years Crohns

    Jbungie: yes it was like "Rebooting" your computer. The program was about half "Chronies" and half Lupus patients. Some folks did not make it thru the Chemo so it was not a total success but as far as I am concerned they saved me from further resections, knock on wood!
  2. C

    42 years Crohns

    The Northwestern autologous STEM Cell program's methods alter your harvested STEM Cells in a manner I am not privy to. That is why the STEM Cells are harvested prior to going into the hospital for the procedure so they can manage the harvested STEM Cells. Of course being an experimental program...
  3. C

    42 years Crohns

    Yes failed every biologic known to man...LOL STEM Cell Transplant ia long and hard. 1. Go thru screening about 3 days in hospital 2. Harvest your own STEM Cells - takes a day or so inpatient 3. The admit to hospital 4. More testing 5. After about 3 days they start the Chemo - worst experience...
  4. C

    42 years Crohns

    Hello all: new to this site but fell my 42 years of Crohns Disease experience may be good for some. I have had 4 resections, only 120cm of Small Intestines remaining. A STEM Cell Transplant with Chemotherapy and have been prescribed all drugs known to man to stop the progression of Crohns...