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  1. kello82

    Wont be on here as much anymore.

    best of luck with school and everything! just fb'd you btw =]
  2. kello82

    Is it hard for your friends and family to empathize with you?

    i remember MBH saying quite a few times that what works for her is to tell others to imagine having the worst possible stomch flu they have ever had in their lives......that never goes away. for me, the ONE thing that gave my bf (now ex) the big aha moment was when i said "choose something...
  3. kello82

    Surgery tomorrow!!!!

    best of luck misB, i hope the surgery goes well and gets you out of the damn hospital! so you can go home and eat food. real. food. =]
  4. kello82

    Surgery Time

    dexky, jers, and nancy thank you for the encouragment to keep going. and for reminding me of the good parts of me. xox super quickie update here, saw my derma last week and again no active PG but no healing either. plan is: -supplement iron, b12, and zinc in hopes that will help the oxygen...
  5. kello82

    Cleveland Clinic...looking for advice/reccomendations

    the summer after i graduated hs i went out there for a....38473098th opinion as well. was having bad abcess/fistula activity in my butt and was hoping surgeons out there would have a novel idea. anyways, the surgeon i saw was a Dr. Remzi. he deff seemed to know his sh*t, he basically gave me 3...
  6. kello82

    How can I waterproof my PICC dressing, as well as my JP dressing?

    damn im sorry you are doing so crappy =/ when i had my picc what i did was use large zip locks. cut off the zipper end and cut open the closed end. then, like dustyd said put something absorbent over the top of your dressing, slide the homemade "sleeve" up you arm. i always found it more comfy...
  7. kello82

    Pooping the bed

    aw hun im so sorry =/ its not tmi!! it is a frequent topic here....unfortunately but good that there are many to commiserate with. can you trace it to anything? have you had extra bad D the past couple days or anyhthing change? i know its embarrasing, i didnt tell anyone for years really, but...
  8. kello82

    Inflammation all over my body

    yeah i have had inflammation in many places as well. eyes, nose, mouth/lip sores, joints, skin, and esophagus and lg intestine. in the process of trying to figure out if my back pain is crohns related inflammation as well. weve never really talked about the issue as a whole, just kind of...
  9. kello82

    My boyfriend has crohns

    idon--kickass advice. i very much agree with your pov and like that we got a guy in here lol. everyone is different for sure, but this issue was a big one in my last relationship. of course i wanted to hear about his life and not focus on "what did you do today?" "i crapped myself 18 times...
  10. kello82

    Ileostomy Surgery?

    EXACTLY. haha thats exactly it! and that flip of opinion doesnt happen overnight, but the realization that you have a different opinion, that is what happens in a heartbeat it seems. its so very strange when you realize your world has changed so much around you that it has changed your view as...
  11. kello82

    Ileostomy Surgery?

    sorry to hear that youre not doing well buddy i had the ileo done last april, but did NOT have an -ectomy of any sort. nothing was removed. and i am doing better, but not great. my crohns is still quite active everywhere in my body. docs think that my colon is like the epicenter of inflammation...
  12. kello82

    My short intro.

    hey buddy and welcome :) so you are 19? thats cool im 20 and there have been a TON of youngins in our age bracket popping up around here. kinda crazy. meh sorry to hear about your awful school expereinces =/ i dont know that i ever had anything that bad are such ******** i mean...
  13. kello82

    Time for Truth - VERY LONG, YOU KNOW ME!

    so dont. you are entitled to ignore reality. truly. its necessary sometimes cause if you lived in that world of....struggle and emotion 24/7....its impossible. so dont feel ashamed for being scared. dont feel ashamed for withdrawing from life. dont feel ashamed for lying down and letting life...
  14. kello82

    Surgery Time

    thanks girls =] allright one more spillage of thoughts and then this is the last obnoxiously long post for a while, i promise. i will most likely contradict a lot of what i just said in my last post cuz i dont even know what i think for sure i just have all these thoughts. anyways. you know...
  15. kello82

    Sad day for me

    aw hun im so sorry =( that is so painful...that feeling of great hope and encouragement just dashed away at once. its like when you are excited for an event and are just about to go when it gets cancelled. THAT feeling except on a massive scale of importance. so go ahead, sulk for a while. eat...
  16. kello82

    Surgery Time

    omg. there is a lot to say here. have been thinking a LOT like really have spent hours just staring at a wall and thinking. and so theres a lot of....thoughts hahah that have resulted.i feel bad cuz i have only been posting my crap on here recently and nothing else, sorry for that but i suppose...
  17. kello82

    Surgery Time

    aw thanks CDD. i hate having people get emotional over me, but at the same time i know it is only out of care and thats...kind of amazing. =]
  18. kello82

    Surgery Time

    thats a good idea. i mean im sure i have shared many of the same thoughts with both my psych and therapist. but alltogether like this...pretty sure thats never occured. ive been seeing my actual psych for like....gosh idk least 6 mo now. and have been in the CB therapy for 4 or 5 months.
  19. kello82

    Surgery Time

    huh. i think that would make a lot of sense. maybe i am trying to make up for something you know? since i dont feel good enough in terms of my physical capabilities, i think i feel more like a failure in that sense than i even realize. but maybe i am just constantly trying to make up for those...
  20. kello82

    Surgery Time

    thanks for that =] see it was so different for me because my ostomy was a choice. i actually WANTED to get this surgery done by that just...different. i dont really think the stoma or scars or anything affected my self esteem that much. for some months after surgery i was like...fine...