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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. GirlFriday

    Is PG ever... ok?

    Thank you CrohnsHobo - another bit of hope! I am so glad it cleared up quickly for you, even if it did leave you with a scar. Wiles, thank you for answering Ashleys question - my head has been so filled with thoughts on PG for the last few days that I forgot that it might sound fairly cryptic...
  2. GirlFriday

    Is PG ever... ok?

    Thank you guys. Jetta, you made me feel so much better! Someone who had it first hand and it cleared up reasonably quickly is exactly the bit of hope I was looking for.. :) Fingers crossed for my cousin, I will be there supporting her no matter what happens of course. I do feel lucky that we...
  3. GirlFriday

    Is PG ever... ok?

    My lovely cousin who is hospitalised at the moment for a complete blockage (severe crohns) has just been diagnosed with PG on both her ankles. She is kind of new to this disease and doesn't really know what this means. All she said to me was 'my ankles are so sore, I can't wait till they get...
  4. GirlFriday

    Do you think there will ever be a cure?

    No, sadly I don't. I did. I used to pray for it all the time - then I realised about 3 months ago that I just don't believe it anymore. I don't want to get anyone down, or sound all negative so I wont go into why. What I DO believe though is that they will be able to prevent it - a vaccine if...
  5. GirlFriday

    Worried and need support

    Hi Ren, and welcome to the forum! So sorry to hear that yu aren't feeling well and that your husband is not being supportive. Please try not to worry too much about taking immodium and salofalk while you are breastfeeding. You need to be healthy for your baby to be happy. My husband and I will...
  6. GirlFriday

    Surgery Time

    Yes, I too am a Kello fan! I think we should start a club! Thinking of you x
  7. GirlFriday

    Excruciating pain

    I'm so sorry GJG - it's just awful isn't it when you start feeling 'old.' I really hope you get some relief from the arthritis soon - it's such a horrible searing pain. Thinking of you x
  8. GirlFriday

    Surgery Time

    Oh, I'm so sorry that things are still so tough for you. I really will be praying for you and sending you all my best wishes from here in Australia. Keep fighting the good fight Kelly! x
  9. GirlFriday

    Methotrexate or 6-MP?

    Hi all - I am on 100mg 6-mp a day and I am bruising SO easily. I know it is one of the possible side effects, just wondering if any of you are experiencing this too? I have been on it for almost 3 months now, and I noticed the bruises appearing all over about 3 weeks ago.
  10. GirlFriday

    Crohn's In family

    It is all through my family, unfortunatley. *My Mum and 1 Aunt have UC, *Another Aunt has Cealiac, *Myself and 1 other cousin have Crohns, *Another cousin is in the process of being diagnosed with either UC or Crohns. All of this is on my Mums side of the family - it makes me scared for any...
  11. GirlFriday

    Frustration -- PG here too

    Oh Erin, all my fingers and toes are crossed for you! I remember you well - you and Kelly actually had your surgery right around the same time right? I am so, so sorry you now have this to deal with as well. I am so glad to hear they are treating it aggresivley. I know we haven't spoken together...
  12. GirlFriday

    Upset @ admin for deleting my account

    Hi Ezequiel - the same thing happened to me a few days after I first joined. It's nothing personal! Welcome :)
  13. GirlFriday

    Would you go to the ER?

    I think you should go to the ER. If you can't eat and are in incredible pain for an extended amount of time, that is what the hospital is there for. I hope you feel better soon!
  14. GirlFriday

    I hate my guts!

    Farm it sounds awful! Is there no long term solution or daily meds that will keep it away? *hugs* Oh my - (sorry for going off topic) but it says I am now a senior memebr! Woooo! That is quite an achievment for me as usually I am a bit shy about posting :)
  15. GirlFriday

    If the 6MP fails, what comes next?

    Huh. Weird bolding there. Never mind... I promise I wasn't shouting at you Beth! Lol
  16. GirlFriday

    If the 6MP fails, what comes next?

    Well my GI just called and on my last blood test my liver count was back to normal. So while he is still not sure what caused the spike, he got me to start back on the Azathioprine today. I am really happy that I still have a chance this will work :) Although, I am just a little nervous that I...
  17. GirlFriday

    Our Story

    Welcome Hana! I have my fingers crossed for you and your husband. Once the first recovery bit is over I am sure he will be feeling fantastic.
  18. GirlFriday

    Another newbie saying hello !

    Welcome Mis Rose! So glad you found this place - the support is wonderful. Good luck with your upcoming colonoscopy.
  19. GirlFriday

    If the 6MP fails, what comes next?

    Hmm. I was hoping that would not be the answer. Thank you for the encouragement misspopcorn, I still have my fingers crossed that I can stick with the aza! I think it is wishful thinking though... :)
  20. GirlFriday

    If the 6MP fails, what comes next?

    Hi all, my GI put me on 6MP (Imuran, Aza etc all the same thing) a month ago, and for the last few days I have been so sick. Fever, headache, sore neck, nausea the whole fun bag of tricks. My GI called and my liver count on my last blood test is high, so it looks like there is a chance it could...