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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. GirlFriday

    Treatment using Imuran Tablets

    Hi kaza - welcome! Glad you found this place. I know how scary it is when you first get prescribed a drug like Imuran (I freaked out too) but I think you just have to decide to trust your GI. They are aware of all the rare side effects and they will moniter you closley. Of course, at the end of...
  2. GirlFriday

    Surgery Time

    Oh Kello - I'm so sorry to hear the latest news. I think about you often - crossing all my fingers that they can finally clear this up for you!
  3. GirlFriday

    Yo adrian, I did it!!

    Congrats Jerman! So happy for you - we just can't let this thing hold us back. :)
  4. GirlFriday

    Extensive inflammation in terminal ileum

    Thanks all. I am SO, SO glad to have this place to come for info and support. Yesterday as the GI was saying it to me, I thought I was going to start crying and I just though 'don't get upset, you can go home and talk to everyone on crohns forum about it.' Ha! Goes to show how much this place...
  5. GirlFriday

    Extensive inflammation in terminal ileum

    Thanks Beth and Agent X20, I really appreciate the support. I just feel so tearful and anxious. Ugh, Im too scared to google it.
  6. GirlFriday

    Extensive inflammation in terminal ileum

    I just got back from my GI and in his words 'the inflamation is really bad in your terminal illeum, really bad and we need to start treating this more aggressively' So, I am now on 12 pills a day (9 x messazaline and 3 x entocourt) and next week I have to go have a chest x-ray and blood tests...
  7. GirlFriday


    Welcome BP! So glad you found this forum, itis a great place for help and support. Good luck with the new trial, and please let us know the results of the one you were just on. As theothers have said it is SO encouraging to hear that they are working on new treatments.
  8. GirlFriday

    Weak and dizzy from not eating

    Thanks so much all - I am actually feeling much better today Ris. I actually did exactly what you suggested Daisy, and spent the last 3 days laying in bed, running to the toilet and barely eating anything (fun!) So no idea what was really wrong, but I woke up this morning feeling 80% better. Yay!
  9. GirlFriday

    Heel pain

    Oh, go away you horrible spammer To your question Becky, I dont have heel pain but I too question everything that could be related to crohns - it's a good idea to write all this stuff down so you remember to ask your GI.
  10. GirlFriday


    Yah. I am lucky enough to get this one pretty badly too. I'm not sure how much you are losing? Mine is often handfuls, and trust me there is no mistaking that.
  11. GirlFriday

    Feverish when going to the bathroom?

    Hey Ris, that is awful. Personally the one I hate the most is when the top of your head feels all hot. Sometimes it feels like it could almost catch fire.. Lol. I never knew anyone else got that, I have asked a few people I know and they give me the 'crazy lady' look. I hope you feel better soon x
  12. GirlFriday

    Weak and dizzy from not eating

    Hi crohns peeps, I woke up feeling sick yesterday, and got worse from there. Tried to eat half a peice of toast for breakfast and got stomach cramps, all my joints were aching and I could not stop shivering and shaking with a fever, I was like that all day and night. I woke up this morning and...
  13. GirlFriday

    Our Tribute to Lynn2

    I'm just stunned and so, so sorry that you had to lose your sister to this disease. It is so cruel and unfair. Your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. GirlFriday

    Soft/ Bland diet

    I can kind of understand (albeit hate) spam when one is selling something, but what is the [I]point[I] of the post above? Of course it may have been accidental in which case, nothing to see here :)
  15. GirlFriday

    What age were you diagnosed?

    I was diagnosed at 25, but I too have had this on and off since I was a child - looking back now it is really obvious, but I guess at the time I just thought it was normal or something? I probably wasn't the brightest kid.. Lol
  16. GirlFriday

    Advice ..

    Drew, I think you should go - it doesn't sound normal. I hope you are o.k.
  17. GirlFriday

    Fast foods your able to tolerate?

    I am usually ok with most fast food but the one that makes me so sick, so fast is KFC. I don't know what it is but 20 minutes after I ate their chicken and chips I was so sick - running to the bathroom real quick.
  18. GirlFriday

    Off into hospital

    Good luck Jan! I hope the 2 weeks go really fast for you and you have some cute doctors to look at (not GI doctors though lol) :)
  19. GirlFriday

    Curious - what's your daily food intake?

    Oh Kello I'm so sorry to hear that. It really isn't a surprise though I guess after all the pain and trauma your body has been through lately. I really hope it improves as your body heals. Big hugs for you lovely.
  20. GirlFriday

    Flare after colonoscopy - common?

    Hi all, I'm just wondering if it is common to feel worse after a colonoscopy. I was already in a flare and my recent colonoscopy showed that my crohns has gotten worse, but, ever since the day I had it done 2 weeks ago I have been so sick. All my symptoms are a lot worse. So, is it all in my...