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  1. dave13

    Remicade - First Treatment Today

    We all react a bit differently,but I also don't think these are Remicade symptoms.
  2. dave13

    Merry Christmas remicaders!

    Merry Christmas!
  3. dave13

    Remicade - First Treatment Today

    I also bring a 'infusion day kit' with me on infusion day. I bring water, a few snacks, a book and a tablet. Honestly, once I'm hooked up in the recliner with a warm blanket and my book, I have napped a time or two. :)
  4. dave13

    Intestinal Blockage / Obstruction Support Group

    Glad you are at home now.You have been through a lot and hospitals are not the place to rest.I look forward to your update.
  5. dave13

    What triggers fistula

    Let your GI know this is happening.
  6. dave13

    Remicade - First Treatment Today

    I'm glad your infusion went well.The first one can be a little nerve racking.Having lunch served to you helps the time go by. :)
  7. dave13

    How are you feeling today?

    Hi Lara Have you tried a heating pad? Sometimes I find it can help along with a gentle massage of the area,gives a bit of relief.It might sound odd,but I take a hot bath and it seems to help move things a long.Since you are in Summer right now,that may not be to appealing. :) It's Winter here...
  8. dave13

    What triggers fistula

    I also have fistulas and setons. Five fistula and three draining setons. Like you,I also follow the SCD.Sometimes we have to turn to what will prevent this disease from causing further damage,even though we would prefer not to. Make sure you bring any concerns you have up with your GI. Good luck!
  9. dave13

    How are you feeling today?

    How are you today,Lara? Did you go to the ER?
  10. dave13

    About my daughter with Crohn's Disease

    Hi CountryGirls How did the Monday appointment go?
  11. dave13

    Newb: Yo, Folkses. Gather round, for a story of crazy random happenstance! (not really)

    I had no pain during my colonoscopy. I remember the nurse saying the doctor is here and she was going to increase my IV drip...and I woke up in recovery. I was also told I may have gas after and I sure did.
  12. dave13

    Quick story about me!

    Welcome Quite an interesting job you have.There are a lot of us here,each with our own story.I'm sure you will find the forum interesting as well as informative.
  13. dave13

    How are you feeling today?

    We are here for you long time crohnie,when you feel like sh#t.
  14. dave13

    My Story

    I'm glad you feel comfortable with your new GI.It is understandable to be apprehensive about more aggressive treatments.Feeling comfortable with your GI makes it easier to discuss treatment options and bring up concerns,in my opinion. Always good to have a supportive spouse/partner.I am also...
  15. dave13

    I think it crohns

    Did they do a fecal calprotectin stool test? This test is useful for diagnosis. What we eat and how it affects us is a very individual thing.I agree with DJW about a food journal,they can be helpful.Does she have pain with liquids as well as solid food?
  16. dave13

    My Story

    Hi Andrew All your levels are normal? So,they did test for B-12? Just curious.I find dealing with fatigue a challenge myself.Many of us understand not being able to accomplish what we use to be able to do.I find I can still do certain things,it just takes me longer to accomplish the task. Is...
  17. dave13

    Aussie, 21, diagnosed in Oct this year, struggling.

    I'm glad you can confide in your best friend. I agree with you,it is not something I go around telling people.I do let the people I am closest to know about my CD.I don't fill them in on all the details how CD affects me.They know there are times I won't be able take them up on an...
  18. dave13

    Newly Diagnosed And Upset

    Welcome Heatles Glad you opened up.Many of us use diet to fight this disease.Everything we put in to our bodies is part of our diet.
  19. dave13

    Border line Crohn's

    Hopefully further tests will provide definitive answers. There is an undiagnosed support group here. Perhaps that may be helpful with questions you may have.
  20. dave13

    Newb: Yo, Folkses. Gather round, for a story of crazy random happenstance! (not really)

    Welcome Definitely tell us your story.Like scotsma says,leave out the 'F' bombs but be passionate.You are going through this.I am from Maine too.