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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. undone

    Newly Diagnosed and not coping

    Hi, Clare. I think its great that you're reaching out here on the forum. There are many here who can offer support and suggestions to help you better cope with the disease. I'm a 40 year Crohn's vet and have also had my share of pains and symptoms over the years. One of the things that has...
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    6MP (Mercaptopurine) and Skin Cancer

    Thank you, eleanor_rigby, for your concern. I should have mentioned that I have a colonoscopy every other year to monitor as much of my lower intestinal tract and as much as they can see in the upper. I would certainly consider a return to my GI doc at the recommendation of my GP should...
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    My story and advice on my next step, specifically natural vs. medicine approach

    I'm not sure if the ulcers ever really "go away". They may subside and become less inflamed, and your symptoms may get better over time, but the root is still there. I've learned over the years to stay away from certain foods: wheat, dairy, gassy foods such as legimes, califlower, brocolli...
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    6MP (Mercaptopurine) and Skin Cancer

    My GP has agreed to certify me for the purposes of obtaining a medical marijuana (MM) "green card" which is how it works here in Minnesota. I have an appointment to see her (my GP) later this month for my annual exam. We always discuss all aspects of my health, including Crohn's. Adding MM will...
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    6MP (Mercaptopurine) and Skin Cancer

    Hello everyone. I'm brand new here to the Crohn's forum. Let me tell you a little about my journey: I've struggled with Crohn's for the past 40+ years, surviving a bowel resection (terminal ileum) in 1986, plus several subsequent hospitalizations for full or partial obstructions. I've tried...