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    link to a bunch of video testimonials about reversing ibd/crohns with some guy's program
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    sibo, sifo, candida, biofilms

    this is promising angle and the article is packed with useful info - esp about candida and biofilms Patent-Pending Probiotic Could Disrupt Crohn’s Disease Biofilms...
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    sibo, sifo, candida, biofilms

    another good one for moringa Moringa oleifera Lam. Peptide Remodels Intestinal Mucosal Barrier by Inhibiting JAK-STAT Activation and Modulating Gut Microbiota in Colitis
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    sibo, sifo, candida, biofilms

    moringa, a popular supplement for a variety of benefits Fungistatic effect of Moringa oleifera Lam. on the metabolism changes of Candida albicans Conclusions: The extract of M. oleifera has increased...
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    Changes in the gut mycobiome in pediatric patients in relation to the clinical activity of Crohn's disease

    arent there beneficial bacteria that oppose fungi/candida? it's my understanding that fungi and bacteria compete with each other and have methods to reduce each other's sway in the soup. following that logic, wouldn't it work to treat fungi overgrowth with bacteria, and bacterial overgrowth...
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    Specific pathobionts are enriched during flares in patients with severe CD

    imo the evidence indicates that the root cause is pathogens having the upper hand, ie, need to downregulate them and upregulate the beneficials
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    sibo, sifo, candida, biofilms

    this could go anywhere. putting it in the sibo thread because h. pylori killer. pylori is common problem, makes ulcers. low stomach acid can let it slip by. not unlikely that this bug would do same to similar bad guys...
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    translocation of bacteria as cause of ibd symptoms
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    translocation of bacteria as cause of ibd symptoms

    pointing the finger at lysozyme
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    translocation of bacteria as cause of ibd symptoms
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    tables and graphics at link
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    relistened to the video above, post 5. he does a good job explaining how/why our guts get messed up. also cites l. reuteri as populating the whole digestive system and killing bad guys, ie, good for sibo. he also lists numerous benefits of same bug. he explains the critical nature of b...
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    butyrate Butyrate Therapy for Treatment-Resistant Ulcerative Colitis: A Case Study Conclusion This case report suggests a novel role for oral butyrate therapy. In a case of UC that was resistant to...
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    deep dive paper
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    this seems to rhyme with the paper just above it. inflammation hinders uptake.
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    gut dysbiosis/leaky gut the universal disease cause?

    this paper gets down to the nuts and bolts. just pasted the conclusion, long paper Regulation of gut microbiota-bile acids axis by probiotics in inflammatory bowel disease 4 Conclusions A large number of...
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    here they find that inflammation can reduce butyrate uptake Intestinal Inflammation Modulates the Epithelial Response to Butyrate in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Butyrate-producing gut bacteria are reduced in patients with...
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    butyrate Gut Microbial Metabolite Butyrate and Its Therapeutic Role in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Literature Review Results: Research in the last two decades has shown the beneficial effects of butyrate on gut immune function and epithelial barrier function...