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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. cre

    SCD diet

    Hi everyone! I’m not sure if there is already a thread for specific carbohydrate diet or anyone tried it with your kiddos? We have been thinking about it for some time now and are finally going to give it a try, looking for any helpful tips and advice. Thanks in advance 😊
  2. cre

    Humira vs Remicade

    Sorry your daughter and family has to deal with any/all of it! My son has done both Remicade and Humira, we had to appeal both medications with BCBS (I’m not good with how insurance works in different states though). My guy did started with Remicade at 2 1/2 ( we too traveled about 2 1/2...
  3. cre

    Humira vs Remicade

    Sorry your daughter and family has to deal with any/all of it! My son has done both Remicade and Humira, we had to appeal both medications with BCBS (I’m not good with how insurance works in different states though). My guy did started with Remicade at 2 1/2 ( we too traveled about 2 1/2...
  4. cre

    $75,000 Donation to go towards the CCFA - VOTE

    I'm not sure shamrock15 but I would think anywhere.
  5. cre

    $75,000 Donation to go towards the CCFA - VOTE

    DSW shoes is giving $75,000 to whomever receives the most votes. CCFA is in 2nd place right now! You can vote once a day until November 24th. There are many other great organizations on there as well. I have encouraged all of my friends and family to vote daily. Here is the link...
  6. cre

    CCFA gets $75,000

    DSW shoes is giving $75,000 to whomever receives the most votes. CCFA is in 2nd place right now! You can vote once a day until November 24th. There are many other great organizations on there as well. I have encouraged all of my friends and family to vote daily. Here is the link...
  7. cre

    Miami, FL pediatric GI

    My family and I are going to be moving somewhere in or around the Miami area. Anyone have any suggestions on a pediatric GI doctor? Yours that you love? Thank you in advance.
  8. cre

    12y/o son just diagnosed...Remicade?

    Hugs to you Grady's mom. As many have, said the decisions on what medications to put your child on is never easy. I hope that this forum is making some of them a tad easier. My son started Remicade at diagnosis, he was 2 months shy if being 3, it was terrifying at decision time. It was also...
  9. cre

    Essential oils

    That is great Jen C. Whatever it was/is I am very happy you had at least one day of relief. Please keep me updated as I am very curious of the results as you continue.
  10. cre

    Essential oils

    Just curious if anyone has had any relief with essential oils. It sounded crazy to me at first but was willing to try anything. My little guy yet again has been showing inflammation so I thought what the heck and started rubbing his feet and tummy every night. His inflammation levels began to...
  11. cre

    About Crohn's Forum Families

    1. Diagnosis and date of diagnosis? -Crohn's Disease -March 2014 2. Boy or girl? Year of birth? -Boy -2011 3. Location? -Louisana 4. What procedures has your child experienced? -Colonoscopy -Endoscopy -Ultrasound -IV infusions -CT Scan -Biopsies -X-rays 5. Current...
  12. cre

    Sed rate

    I'm not exactly sure how tests differ but I know our normal sed rate numbers are 0-25. My guy is at a 32 as of last week and although it is elevated we are giving it another week and testing again. GI says it could be a bug of some sort he is fighting off which would increase inflammatory...
  13. cre


    My 3 y/o was on remicade for about 6 months in 2014. We have what I thought to be alright insurance, maybe not the best, and paid our $35 copay every time we went in for infusions. Suddenly we are getting $500+ bills for the last couple of infusions he received. From your experience is this...
  14. cre

    Remicade or Humira?

    Thank you Pilgram you are right,, it is the combo. Because his inflammation wasn't good when we started just Humira we were going every 2 weeks. I guess just getting everything done at once, blood and Remi as opposed to seperate visits was helpful for us. We had our infusions at the...
  15. cre

    Remicade or Humira?

    My 3yo started on Remicade without choice at 2 1/2 yo. We would numb his arms in any area they may try to start the IV and that seemed to help. As others have mentioned they do the blood draws at the same time and we liked that. I would pack snacks, drinks and he got to watch TV or movies...
  16. cre

    Need Experienced Parents Advice for Treatment Options

    I'm not sure either and am curious as to why.
  17. cre

    Need Experienced Parents Advice for Treatment Options

    Not sure if different states have different laws but we were told, Kansas at the time, there must be a doctor on site. Our ped GI only did certain days to ensure she or her partner were there. She actually had to cancel on one occasion since she would be leaving before the infusion was done...
  18. cre

    Diarrhea and Imuran

    No iron supplement but it is much better now. I'm thinking it was something he ate. Thank you both.
  19. cre

    Colectomy for 2 year old

    Oh the heartaches your family must be having. I'm very sorry your sweet one is having so many troubles with this. I don't really have anything except for support to send your way. We are still trying to find the "right" medicines for our guy but haven't had to talk surgeries.
  20. cre

    Need Experienced Parents Advice for Treatment Options

    These decisions are so difficult and I'm terribly sorry you are having to make them. My son (3 1/2) has done Remicade and is now on his 5th shot of Humira along with Imuran. I honestly don't think at this age he will get used to shots or infusions, I think it all scares them when they are so...