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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. GirlwiththeCurl

    Undiagnosed Kids

    I know I am being impatient. And I should be hearing about biopsy results soon. No doubt I have done too much googling of symptoms, too. :\ It is a good idea to bring someone with me. I wish I had done it the first time, and maybe I wouldn't be wondering what is going on. Or maybe this...
  2. GirlwiththeCurl

    Undiagnosed Kids

    I went back and checked the second stool test and it was for pancreatic elastase (this was initially very slightly lowered, but both my pediatrician and the liver doc said it meant nothing, but perhaps that is why she rechecked them?), so I will ask about fecal calprotectin. I don't know the...
  3. GirlwiththeCurl

    Undiagnosed Kids

    Hi! I am Hilary, and I have a six-yr-old daughter who has been having diarrhea, sometimes bloody, and stomach and back pain since the end of March. She had been through a battery of blood and fecal tests to rule out infectious causes and cystic fibrosis, but everything has been normal. She...