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  1. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    L's one experience with an IV infusion (lactated ringers) was memorably awful. I don't know what the nurse did or didn't do, but L felt significant pain at the insertion site for the entire time it was in. She was only five at the time, but she remembers it. Maybe if she had a couple of good...
  2. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    Yes. I don't want a doctor who tests everything under the sun because that's hard on L, who just wants to be normal. But I don't want a doctor who doesn't test enough. And L also shows very little on bloodwork. It's been years since scopes. I'm going to have to wait and see what her GI wants to...
  3. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    That's a good question about dehydration. L's RBCs and H/H have always run on the high end, so I'm inclined to think that's not it. Or she's chronically dehydrated, which I suppose could actually be a thing. I wonder what the occult blood test will show. I spent a couple years fussing that...
  4. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    She tolerates blood draws but she probably would rather be sick to her stomach than get an infusion.
  5. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    Oh my word. I'm getting anxiety. Lol! I could definitely see it going badly either way. But maybe it will all be fine? I'm going to try not to borrow trouble.
  6. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    I am worried about how iron will affect her. I feel like if one more thing makes her feel sick to her stomach she'll give up on food altogether. She already takes early morning meds so I'll have to see there will be a problem adding iron and vit c to the mix. If not, I'll just add those in and...
  7. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    We're going to test her stool for occult blood. Maybe calpro after that depending on results? Who knows. Maybe I'll ask her pediatrician if she'll order one.
  8. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    She had an initial period at the end of last summer (light) and then a long break and another very light period about a month ago. No calpro--again, grew and gained weight and her GI is very hands off. She's doesn't eat a lot of meat or green leafy veggies, so I know her diet is probably...
  9. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    13.5 g/dL (range 11.3-14.7). She's actually usually somewhat above their high normal and has been on a slightly downward trend since mid 2018. But get this: her hematocrit is going up and has been since...about the same time (mid 2018). This time 43.6 (range 33.0-42.6). Here are the rest of the...
  10. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    Yes, I knew puberty is often a tipping point, but I thought L was doing really well (except pale). Doesn't complain of abdominal pain. Stools are normal for her. Grew and gained a ton of weight over the last year. She is pretty low energy, but her main focus outside of school is art so maybe we...
  11. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    I misspoke about an acute bleed. An acute bleed would definitely make her RBCs go down. But I still am puzzled.
  12. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    Hi, all, I have a question. L has been doing well for the most part, growing, studying, doing all the art. She had a six month check up today and the GI was so pleased with her that said we could go to yearly appointments. L's seemed a little pale to my husband and me, though, so I asked if...
  13. GirlwiththeCurl

    Heard from Doc today

    Popping in from the hinterlands. I hope things go well for O and that there's no delay in surgery. I thought enteric drugs were coated to not dissolve in the acid environment of the stomach, but then dissolved and were absorbed in the small intestine. Is Rinvoq specifically designed not to...
  14. GirlwiththeCurl

    14 year with some lingering issues and unanswered questions

    I don't know tons about this, but with high hb, hc, and ferritin I'd be wondering about hemochromatosis, which is an iron storage disorder.
  15. GirlwiththeCurl

    5yo Son Diagnosed 1/20/21

    Oh, and we gave her lots of encouragement before the dose and praise afterwards.
  16. GirlwiththeCurl

    5yo Son Diagnosed 1/20/21

    My daughter was diagnosed at 6 and ended up on long-term Flagyl (metronidazole). It was rough for a long time getting her to take it. These are some of the things that were successful for us. We set out the medicine with milk to drink after (it cuts the taste better than water). We also set out...
  17. GirlwiththeCurl

    Son, newly diagnosed

    Oh goodness, your poor son! I promise there will be lots of parents along soon with tons of good advice (my ibd daughter has sort of jogged along being mostly well, so I don't have all the experience of the others). Hang in there!
  18. GirlwiththeCurl

    Bloating and Stool Color

    I think Cic probably has a lot more good advice about ibd and it's quirks than I do. :) Liver disease can be associated with ibd but it's not so very common. Here are things to look for in addition to gray or white stools that point to the liver: itching with no associated rash, yellowing of...
  19. GirlwiththeCurl

    Bloating and Stool Color

    I second concerns about the bile ducts/liver with the gray stool.
  20. GirlwiththeCurl

    Iron question

    Hi, all, Late update, but when I did finally get the numbers, L's ferritin was 16, so actually not out of range according to their posted normal range, but certainly on the very low end of normal. Her serum iron was 140, which was notably high. Odd, but okay. (And her B12 was almost 700.) We...