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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. emmaaaargh

    Relationships with siblings

    My brother is a decade older than me, so was a young adult when I was diagnosed with Crohn's. A while back he confessed harbouring some cruel thoughts about how much attention I was getting when I first fell ill - something I had no idea he'd ever felt (since I was so young at the time and...
  2. emmaaaargh

    Capsule Endoscopy

    Not a parent, but I have had a capsule endoscopy without prep before (when I was 11 or so) - whether or not they want you to take a prep depends on the doctor, but it's done both with prep and without prep. I had to fast (can't remember how long for, because it was years ago now!) and could not...
  3. emmaaaargh

    Stress, Anxiety and/or Depression

    I went to my GP about my worsening mental health a couple of weeks ago and got prescribed an anti-depressant. It looks like I have a whole host of issues (depression, GAD, OCD, possible panic disorder) but I got the distinct impression that they try hard not to just pin labels on you nowadays. I...
  4. emmaaaargh

    Virtually no pain but prescribed prednisone and entyvio

    It did go away completely, yes. I'm very self-conscious about my face, since it's fairly round in shape (and the steroids made my self-esteem plummet since it exaggerated the whole thing), so it was something I was on the lookout for!
  5. emmaaaargh

    Virtually no pain but prescribed prednisone and entyvio

    Hi LilMiss, welcome to the forum! The problem with Crohn's, I believe, is that while the immune system seems to be over-reacting to something, there's no current consensus as to what that is, and it might even be different in different patients. That's why current treatments focus on the...
  6. emmaaaargh

    Advice needed

    Hi Kerry! I really feel for your daughter as I was diagnosed when I was 9 :( but I'm glad you've found us - there's so much support here. Your daughter's symptoms do sound like it could be an IBD. My symptoms were uncontrollable diarrhoea, drastic weight loss and exhaustion, and I was referred...
  7. emmaaaargh

    Did your IBD come on suddenly or gradually?

    Don't worry about asking questions :) I had better days and worse days, but it was roughly the same up until my diagnosis. I don't remember it very well because it was 10 years ago and I was only 9! But I had a fairly quick diagnosis (only about a month and a half after symptoms started) so I...
  8. emmaaaargh

    Did your IBD come on suddenly or gradually?

    Mine came on extremely suddenly - I can even remember the exact day it began. It started with uncontrollable diarrhoea with no warning, and in the days and weeks that followed the weight and appetite loss started. Those continued until my diagnosis, when I was put on a maintenance treatment...
  9. emmaaaargh

    Terrified of probable crohns diagnosis

    I recently had my first colonoscopy 'awake', as children are usually fully sedated over here, to the point where it felt like I was fully put to sleep during my childhood scopes, even though I wasn't. I worried myself into an absolute panic up to the day of the scope - I was also terrified of...
  10. emmaaaargh

    Terrified of probable crohns diagnosis

    You're welcome! It's no trouble at all :) As to what I can eat: it really depends on how I'm doing. As I mentioned before, I'm flaring right now, which has made me more prone to react to certain foods. For example, the other day I decided to put raw spinach in my lunch and spent a few hours...
  11. emmaaaargh

    Terrified of probable crohns diagnosis

    Hi Anxious855. I'm glad you've found us, although I'm sorry you have to be here in the first place! I wanted to come and give my two cents on life with IBD. It's not the end of the world, so please don't panic. I've had Crohn's disease for 10 years now, since I was 9 years old, so I've gathered...
  12. emmaaaargh

    Recently diagnosed and struggling with modulen

    Hi Dylrimm! Welcome to the forum, although I'm sorry you have to be here - but it's much better to have a diagnosis than to be suffering the unknown!! Modulen was awful in my experience, I couldn't stomach it at all and I've never been able to cope with too much dairy. The only elemental drink...
  13. emmaaaargh

    Severe ileal crohn's

    I had an ileal resection coming up to 9 years ago now! My Crohn's has always been confined to my small intestine, mostly the latter half of it. I lost about a foot of the ileum due to a stricture when I was 11 and have had no problems since then, beyond suspected issues with adhesions, but those...
  14. emmaaaargh

    Bile Acid Malabsorption Support Group

    Atypical presentations of BAM really interest me - I've always wanted to know if it has to appear immediately after surgery, or can develop later, or can be "in hiding" and can only show itself later. I had surgery in 2009 but up until about 2015 I would have perfectly solid stools (when my guts...
  15. emmaaaargh

    Migraine And Crohn's Disease Support Group

    Thank you all so much for the suggestions! I think I'll be heading back to the GP soon if these don't improve soon. Jonique, I thought about that too, but I started getting them before I started on Humira and it doesn't *seem* to be triggering them. I had one that was almost definitely...
  16. emmaaaargh

    Migraine And Crohn's Disease Support Group

    Didn't even realise there was a support group for this! I'm glad it's here, though. I started getting migraines in August - and what a doozy. My introduction to migraines was a 10-day streak of multiple migraines a day. By the time I'd gotten an appointment with my GP, finally seen her, and she...
  17. emmaaaargh

    Correspondance with CC UK r.e use of biologics - thoughts?

    I think it sounds like they don't want to express an opinion either way. With some luck, once these studies they mention are carried out and show that, yes, people DO flare if you take away the medication preventing them from flaring - perhaps the presence of more evidence (in the form of these...
  18. emmaaaargh


    Oh Soph, I'm so sorry! That's majorly frustrating, especially as I know you've been waiting so long to change treatment :( I had the BCG vaccine as a baby and I asked my consultant about this when I last saw him because it was concerned it might affect my TB testing. He said it wouldn't affect...
  19. emmaaaargh


    I've had obstructions due to narrowing and then food being stuck in it (thanks, apples, I used to love you so much!!) but I've also had obstructions due to adhesions on the outside of the bowel. They end up pulling at the bowel and twisting it so that it blocks off and nothing can get through -...
  20. emmaaaargh

    100mg, two doses?

    They don't have to be spread out I don't think, probably only if your GI has advised it due to side effects? My dose has been 50mg, then 75, then 100, then 75 again, now 50 again and whatever combination of 50mg and 25mg I have to take at that point in time (can you tell I'm getting tired of the...