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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. emmaaaargh

    Could Just Scream!

    Unfortunately, the best (and only) way I've found to do this in my 10 years with Crohn's is just to attempt to ignore it as much as possible. That sounds irresponsible at first, so let me explain - I don't mean ignoring symptoms or burying my head in the sand or anything! Just that, for better...
  2. emmaaaargh

    Termial Ileum Resection

    I had 30cm of my terminal ileum removed almost 8 years ago. I was in the hospital for about a week, but would have been out 2-3 days sooner (unrelated issue to the surgery made the stay longer) otherwise. After the surgery, which was laparoscopic, I was sore, but the pain wasn't too severe...
  3. emmaaaargh

    Repeat prescriptions

    Mine did this when I moved GP from my hometown to university. I expressed to the nurse that it was a little bit ridiculous considering I'd been on azathioprine for 5 years and had Crohn's for 10! She admitted that although the system was in place to keep people safe, i.e. to keep them from...
  4. emmaaaargh

    Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

    I started uni last September and have been on aza for about 5 years. Honestly drinking on aza is fine as long as you don't overdo it because the aza is processed by the liver. I'm not a HUGE drinker (can always remember a night out :tongue: ) but I stick to low- or no-alcohol drinks just because...
  5. emmaaaargh

    What foods do you miss?

    The first trigger I discovered (and the one I still miss the most) is tomatoes. They absolutely ruin me. I'd never been much of a pizza or pasta fan (I'm not a cheese eater) but I wish I could have some now! Tomato soup was always my comfort food, too. Now I don't really have a replacement, and...
  6. emmaaaargh

    Update on my life

    Hi everyone! It's been a while, but I have an update at last. It's a long one, too!! So I did not get a single letter from the hospital for my next appointment. All that saved me from missing it entirely was my being signed up to the NHS's text reminders - on the 20th of April, while I was home...
  7. emmaaaargh

    Crohn's in College Support Group

    Ugh! Definitely. I had my first exam of the season yesterday and in the three days running up to it I was using the bathroom way more than usual. I felt bad for my housemates because I was in there so much!! Not to mention that while trying to get my assignments done earlier this month I had...
  8. emmaaaargh

    Teens with Ulcertive Colitis or Crohn's Support Group

    Hi sfike!! Welcome, and I'm glad you found us :) It's really quiet in this thread as a whole, but those of us that are active (like me!) tend to post in the main forum too. I think being a teenager as a whole is so busy that a lot of people post in here a couple of times but then forget about it...
  9. emmaaaargh

    Student with IBD-Advice?

    Hiya IrritableBob! I'm in my first year of university and I've had Crohn's for almost 10 years, so I hope I'll be able to help a little bit here. First of all, it's SO important to make sure your condition is known to your university's disability services. They don't have to tell all your...
  10. emmaaaargh

    The Vicissitudes of Crohn’s illustration

    Wow, this is stunning. I viewed the entire series on the artist's Behance and ended up in tears because I identified with it so strongly!
  11. emmaaaargh

    Dear lord help me....

    Wow, congratulations again on finishing! I know I'd never be able to. Yeah, with Picolax it only ever seems to take effect after the second sachet - always a bit concerning if you have an afternoon appointment and have to have a morning dose! Last time I was worried that I wouldn't be able to...
  12. emmaaaargh

    Dear lord help me....

    Oh no! I got sent Moviprep in January and immediately balked at the massive volume and asked for Picolax instead. Have you finished it or do you have another dose to go? Congratulations either way!! The hard part's nearly done :D
  13. emmaaaargh

    Side effects sound scary

    I had similar side effects a couple of weeks into taking azathioprine. Called the GI and went to hospital where they did some bloods and didn't find anything unusual, so they just put it down to an odd side-effect and it passed in a couple of days. It was awful, felt like the worst flu I'd ever...
  14. emmaaaargh

    Second colonoscopy

    Oh my goodness, I could have written this post two weeks ago!! I had my first colonoscopy as an adult last Wednesday and I was nervous to the point of near-hysteria about it. I had two previous colonoscopies as a child (aged 9 and 13) but I was under deep sedation for both of them, so while I...
  15. emmaaaargh

    Update on my life

    Thank you for the support, rockinRT! I'm a first-year, so I've only been at uni since September. I actually came back yesterday, to start the new term. Nothing's been changed yet meds-wise, mostly because they're probably waiting on what the biopsies reveal and my GI will probably want to...
  16. emmaaaargh

    Update on my life

    Wow! Okay, well, once I was admitted to the day care unit at the hospital and hustled into the endoscopy suite the anxiety set in. But the nurses that went through my consent forms and pre-admission checks were absolutely wonderful, and took note of that anxiety, and made sure to let the...
  17. emmaaaargh

    Update on my life

    This thread is a little dead, but my update isn't that huge, so I think it's probably best to resurrect it where everything is in one place. So today is my colonoscopy! But I'm getting ahead of myself. I met my new GI in December and he was SO nice - I was really impressed. The reason for the...
  18. emmaaaargh

    Crohn's in College Support Group

    This is a great idea for a thread! I started university in September and I'm pretty sure I'm flaring. I have a colonoscopy next week but thankfully term doesn't start again until the Monday after that so hopefully I'll be okay to go back!!
  19. emmaaaargh

    Heart rate

    Mine is always high too! I had an iron infusion a couple of weeks ago and while my blood pressure was being measured beforehand, the nurse said she wanted to do an ECG, because my heart rate was 130 at the time (admittedly I was pretty stressed because I've had cannulation issues in the past...
  20. emmaaaargh

    Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender & Straight Allies Support Group

    Welcome back, Ki3! As I was reading your post I realised that I did exactly the same thing - I thought I was just asexual until I realised I was a lesbian about a year and a half ago! Hope you're doing well :)