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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. allieinwonder

    Not sure what is going on??

    Hello ihurt, and welcome to the club. I'm sorry that all of this brought you here! Based on your symptoms, it sounds like it could very well be IBS. IBS causes your intestines to spasm, causing those crampy pains. There are symptoms though that IBS does not create...blood in stool, diarrhea in...
  2. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Good luck estrella!!! Cat, that stinks! Hopefully it won't take long to get more. I completely get you on the med refill that my pain meds are only 1 month's worth, and they only give me enough pred/plaq until right up to my appt (or where they think I might get an appt), it is...
  3. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Good luck with the colonoscopy estrella! Everyone is right, the prep is the worst part, I promise. I have used the GoLytely in the past....the best tip I have for you is to mix it with lemonade mix. It will REALLY help the taste! That stuff is very strong and you will be flushing yourself out in...
  4. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed and stuck in limbo

    Hello Meg, and welcome to our little club here. You have been through quite a journey! I am also curious about the autoimmune disease shown in your blood. Crohn's does not give you a positive ANA on blood tests, but other inflammatory autoimmune diseases, such as Lupus, do. I spent years trying...
  5. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Oh, so I want to share this with you guys...I don't know how many of you use pinterest, but if you do, I have a board for my illness, so I wanted to share it if you guys want to follow it too. :) A lot of the pins are lupus related, but a lot of them are just general chronic illness ones too. :)...
  6. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks Cat. I haven't really had to deal with depression as much as I have had to deal with anxiety...I actually feel very blessed that I was accidently RXed the xanax, because it has saved me many times from severely hurting myself. I can remember a very specific time where my husband was away...
  7. allieinwonder

    Useful database

    Thanks for posting this! I'm going to have to browse through it when I have a little more time on my hands. :)
  8. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Keeping faith, you are right, a positive ANA does NOT immediately mean you have Lupus. BUT, crohn's patients DO NOT usually have a positive ANA. In my experience, if you have a positive ANA it is not crohn's disease. My diagnosis was based on more than just my positive ANA, but the positive ANA...
  9. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hannah, I started getting sick in June of 2010 (had symptoms since I was 15, but my first major flare started then)...went to several ER's the first few months, got diagnosed with a hernia, had surgery where they found NO hernia July of 2010, then started the journey of test after test for...
  10. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    My marriage is actually doing very well...I'm sorry if I made it sound like it isn't. We have worked really hard to get into a groove where we can both handle this illness together. At first we did have a really tough time at it...we had only been married 15 days when my first big flare started...
  11. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Living in a bubble, welcome to our little club here. It sounds like you were on the right track...I'm really sorry that treatment stopped you in the middle of your diagnosis and treatment. It makes NO sense when doctors do that...of course the inflammation is gone, you were given meds that stop...
  12. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Ok to reply to everyone else (sorry, I got so excited to reply to Hannah...) Star, I can't believe you aren't responding to pred. Even if you have IBS, your shoulder should be responding to pred, right? I am just so confused and my heart is breaking for you. :( Bozzy, I hope your D and blood...
  13. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hannah....My story is almost EXACTLY like yours! I spent years going through test after test looking for Crohn's based on my symptoms (upper left quadrant pain, extreme diarrhea, weight loss, weakness, mouth ulcers, etc), with ALL of them coming back normal. The last test I had with my GI was a...
  14. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I'm glad Lily and your cat were able to get along (somewhat) eventually. I know Kallie will get over it eventually, it just breaks my heart that she is so upset. :( My GP is on base here in Bamberg. :) Only my GI is at the Army hospital, and I haven't seen him in awhile. My rheumy is German...
  15. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Star, I really hope the pred starts to help soon. I don't even want to think about what your docs would think of the pred not working....I mean, pred should work for ANY inflammation, autoimmune or not. So I really hope for your sake it kicks in. Thanks Cat. :) He is such a cutie....I love him...
  16. allieinwonder

    So much pain Gerd.... IBS... Chrohns..

    Thanks. :) My diagnostic journey has not ended unfortunately. They have never found proof of what is really has dodged every test, even though at its worst you can feel it by hand. I'm really close to just asking them for exploratory surgery to figure it out. You are not alone!
  17. allieinwonder

    So much pain Gerd.... IBS... Chrohns..

    Hello Neil and welcome to the club I'm so sorry you missed your appointment today. :( Was it a small bowel follow through? Whatever it was, I really hope they are able to reschedule it fast! Your story sounds so much like mine. My main symptom is pain. Constant pain in the same spot all the...
  18. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thats great news TXArmyWife! I'm sure you are more than ready to get home in your own bed. I have mouth ulcers like that all the time, and the mouthwash they use helps. Star, I don't really know what to say about the pred. :( How much are you on again? Maybe it just needs more time. Thats what...
  19. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    TXArmyWife, I'm so sorry you are still in the hospital. But as my husband always says when I'm there, you are there for a reason! I am always mad being there too....look at it this way, you've got access to a variety of meds to heal everything thats wrong, including meds to keep you more...
  20. allieinwonder

    Is this a diagnosis??

    I just wanted to pop in and say hello and that I hope everything works itself out soon! As tots said, steriods do NOT help IBS, because there is no inflammation to treat with IBS. So, the steriods helping your gastro sypmtoms definitively point you towards IBD. Goodness, it sounds like you are...