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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Star, it takes 72 hours from starting pred for me to start feeling better. I think you are judging it too soon! Give it a little bit to work its magic. :) I was only on 10mg and by 72 hours into I was feeling MUCH better, and thats a low dose! So just try to give it some time. :) Hang in there!
  2. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Chell, sorry the ami isn't working for you! I didn't have terrible side effects from it when I was on it, but it didn't help my symptoms either. They tried another anitdepressant after that one one me, from the same family of meds, nortryptiline, and it didn't work either. But my GI already knew...
  3. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Cat, our Kallie pretty much sounds just like Lily in personality. :P She is now down to a healthy weight at 22 pounds, and I love being able to pick her up when I need to, and she can sit in my lap on the couch or in my office chair. My husband was the one who really wanted a corgi (I wanted a...
  4. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Yeppers, welcome to the club. What color is the blood? If it is bright red, and just when you wipe (so on the TP), its probably hemmeroids (internal or external). External ones are like a pea sized bulge on your anus, and you won't be able to feel internal ones. I bleed bright red sometimes...
  5. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Star, could you take the supplements with milk? I try and not eat when I take my tramadol (my body has a hard time absorbing both the food and the tramadol for some reason), so if I need to take it around the same time as my pred I take it with milk and it does just fine. I hate having to...
  6. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    You are absolutely right star. I am doing way too much. Now that its all over, i've been resting all day. And I plan to rest this weekend other than going and getting our puppy. :) I always try way too hard to beat this! Lets just hope this flare will be worth it and they can figure out what is...
  7. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I totally understand with the eating it anyway and being in denial...I do that all the time, especially when I am feeling better. :P When I was feeling better before the kidney infection I had started adding fresh fruit and veggies back in my diet...not that much, like a couple slices of...
  8. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Nathan, Zoloft is NOT used for IBS. It is not in the family of anti-depressants that are used for IBS. The ones that are used for IBS are completely different. Amitryptiline is used, as well as nortryptiline, but not zoloft. Estrella is right, Zoloft causes diarrhea. I was put on it by a nutty...
  9. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    The past 24 hours have been a complete nightmare for me. Last night I broke down after the auditions, because the tramadol does not help my pain very well, and I try to just deal with the pain as much as I can and only take the tram if I absolutely cannot take the pain, and this flare has just...
  10. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    We have picked out a name, Bentley to be exact. :) He already has a name (Adrian) and its on his German paperwork, but I do want to still change the name because Adrian sounds way too much like a human name than a dog's name. I can't wait until we get him!!! I think the name Callalily Star is...
  11. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Gculk, I've been stuggling with really bad fatigue lately too. :( And then when nighttime gets here, my pain is so bad I can't sleep! :( Have you tried B12 tablets? Sometimes inflammation can cause you to not absorb nutrients correctly, including B12. B12 helps with energy and metabolism. I...
  12. allieinwonder

    Have you been tested for Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

    Huh, I never knew that David! My doctors were never concerned with it, even when my B12 levels were dangerously low. My inflammation is still not being controlled very well, so that's probably a factor since some of those symptoms overlap with my illness symptoms. I'll have to talk to my rheumy...
  13. allieinwonder

    Have you been tested for Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

    I am not on injections for my B12 deficiency, but I do feel a difference between being B12 deficient and having good B12 levels. I take a 2500mcg sublingual tablet once a day, where the B12 is absorbed underneath your tongue. They had me try that before they put me on the injections, and it...
  14. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Star, my rheumy said the same thing to me when I started my pred trial, that it would not get me any closer to a diagnosis, but when I came back with great results from it, he gave me a diagnosis based on the pred trial and my long list of symptoms. Don't give up hope! You have seen how well Cat...
  15. allieinwonder

    I'm new to the forum & am diagnosed with Crohn's. Just want to give some hope!

    Thank you for posting your story here for others to read and be inspired by! I know when I was completely undiagnosed (I am diagnosed now, not a completely solid diagnosis, but they know something is wrong) I read these kinds of stories for hours a day, trying to keep up hope that I wasn't...
  16. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I think you made a good choice with doing the pred trial. My pred trial brought me a lot of good things: proof it wasn't IBS/Fibro/all in my head, and after I stopped the pred my disease came back full force, stronger than before, and I was able to show the doctors more about my illness (joint...
  17. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I'm so sorry you have C diff! I don't have any personal experience with it but I have heard some nasty stories about it. :( That's good that you will be able to eat again! One of my friends here has a Great Dane, and I totally understand where you are coming from on the size thing. Her Great...
  18. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    TXArmyWife, I cannot believe they did that still! I know that nurses are humans too, but if that happened with a medication that could do major damage they would be in soooo much trouble. I hope the blood pressure medication gets out of your system and you start to feel better! Nathan, you are...
  19. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks everyone. Nathan, you are right, I really shouldn't be treated that way. My husband calls himself my "caregiver", and I told him yesterday that is not going to work anymore, because he is treating me like a child. I'm not going to be going anywhere today, even if I felt like it. Hubby is...
  20. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    TXArmy wife, I'm sorry you still don't have answers. I know when I was hospitilized that the entire weekend I was there I didn't see a doctor because they had the weekends off, as well as the technicians that did all the tests, so it was a waiting game at that point. I hope they have you on some...