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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Chell, I'm glad your bf is letting up a little bit on the painkillers. If you want something stronger than tylenol, but not as strong as vicodin, then I strongly suggest Tramadol. It has the same risks of addiction and withdrawal, but it lasts 8 hours instead of 4 (so you need only up to three a...
  2. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I am so glad you went! If you were admitted then I am really glad you didn't wait....thank goodness they can keep an eye on your symptoms and figure it out! I am very relieved that you are getting the help you need. Keep us posted! I hope you aren't there for awhile (I hate staying in the...
  3. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Oh wow! How interesting! I actually really hope that they get along, because this breeder is very strict on who can buy her puppies. I'm afraid that if she did something like that, the breeder would tell us we can't have him. :( I've seen her around puppies before, and she did just fine. She...
  4. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Kallie does the same thing in the bath! If I'm not holding her or touching her somehow, she shakes and gets water EVERYWHERE. So she was taught "Shake it out" for the very same reason! How funny! Adrian has a pretty long tail, black with a white tip. :) In the videos his tail is just a wagging...
  5. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Cat, you're right, he is a cardigan welsh corgi. :) I knew there were two different kinds, but I haven't really been paying attention to that. :P Kallie is very smart, and she does everything you were describing...she doesn't play fetch, she herds! When we take her for walks we go to this big...
  6. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Oh my gosh TxArmyWife, you should have gone to the ER if you were throwing up blood. That is NOTHING to mess with. Your husband cannot get in trouble because of your health. That was a LEGITIMATE reason to go to the ER! I know I sound like I'm yelling, but you are not going to lose your income...
  7. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hey everyone! I really need to start checking this thread myself instead of relying on the email notifications.... Cat, I'm glad you are doing better from the accident, and that the entire situation is being taken care of by your insurance! TxArmyWife, I hope you are doing better and that you...
  8. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Cat, glad you were able to enjoy your trip, and welcome back! :) Chell, I'm sorry your test didn't go as well as you had hoped. :( I didn't tell you this before because I didn't want to scare you, but I actually woke up half-way through my second endoscopy, but they had taped my eyes shut, so...
  9. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Yay! I'm really glad you were able to get in so fast!
  10. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Cat, I'm sorry you still aren't feeling better! TXArmyWife, I am so sorry you were being treated like that. :( There are so many doctors out there that rely on tests, not the have to find the good ones out there that know that tests aren't everything. Try and let the mean stuff...
  11. allieinwonder

    Newly diagnosed

    Hello and welcome to the forum! I agree, there really isn't a set list of foods that you should stay away from, everyone is different! Start keeping a food diary that lists what you eat and how much pain you are in, and that can help you figure out what trigger foods you need to avoid.
  12. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Aww, I would hate to feel that bad at work! :( You must have been REALLY optimistic, I can't eat oatmeal on a good day! :P I really hope you start to feel better before your trip! I know for me trips always lead into flares, and I would hate to see that happen to you too! I will be sure to pack...
  13. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Cat, I am so sorry you are feeling so bad! Sounds like rest is what you need right now. I hope whatever is wrong fixes itself as fast as it can! TXArmyWife, I'm glad the ER went better than expected. Sounds like you got the meds you need to help your flare. Well, I'm trying to stay positive...
  14. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hey Cat! Honestly, I feel like I have been run over by a truck. I had a ovarian cyst burst in January of 2010, which caused an infection as well, and this hurts pretty much as it did then. Except for this time I was not given proper pain management for it (I was on hydrocodone then). However, my...
  15. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks for the info ABC! I'm sure many people here will able to use it now, and in the future when others come in looking for answers. Sonic, welcome to our little club here, even though we all wish there wasn't a reason for you to be here! Compared to most here, the fact that they have found...
  16. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Well, I ended up getting an early AM appointment at the clinic today...and it did not go the way I had hoped. :( They immediately thought it was a kidney infection, told me they were going to prescribe strong antibiotics, and told me to wait in the waiting room for my urine sample to confirm...
  17. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I hope it isnt stones either! My husband has tossed around that idea as well. Here in germany they will admit you into the hospital for kidney stones, so I really hope that isnt it (can you tell I dont like the hospital? Lol). Prednisone can cause problems with calcium absorption if I remember...
  18. allieinwonder

    IBS or could this be something like Crohn's

    That is interesting! I know with my MCTD I need a lot less pred than a crohn's patient to get my symptoms down (10mg will pretty much do it). I'm on 5mg right now too, and they don't plan on taking me off of it at all, but because they didn't start with a higher dose this flare isn't being...
  19. allieinwonder

    IBS or could this be something like Crohn's

    marjory is right...IBS is diagnosed when there is no proof of anything else. But that doesn't mean nothing is going on with your body. Just come take a look at the undiagnosed club and you will see. ;) My inflammation is in such a weird place that CT scans and other tests can't see takes...
  20. allieinwonder

    IBS or could this be something like Crohn's

    I know I'm totally late in the game on this one, but I wanted to add my two cents in! As Rebecca said, I was at first diagnosed with severe IBS, and for years all my doctors were looking heavily for Crohn's. I have a list of symptoms pages long, but I had all the classic Crohn's symptoms: blood...