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  1. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I still haven't been able to make it over to the clinic. Was really ready to call today and get an appointment but they have a half day today, so I knew getting a same day appt was pretty much impossible. I'm calling first thing in the morning! The pain is just getting worse and worse. It can't...
  2. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks Cat. None of my symptoms have changed still, and I am getting tired of it, so it looks like I will be going to the clinic tomorrow. :( The only other reason I would be having pain in this spot is if I pulled a muscle...I have brought this option up with Stuart a ton, and he made me...
  3. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks Cat. My husband is more worried than I am, and today he was going to come home after PT (Army speak for group workout) and take me to the clinic himself, but this morning I sort of begged him to let me try resting and drinking lots of fluids for one more day. He actually has damage to his...
  4. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I really hate it when the emails stop coming telling me there are more posts on this thread! :( I feel awful for not checking it sooner! I hope everyone is doing well! Rebecca, congrats on your pregnancy, that is so exciting!! Quirky, I'm sorry you are still not doing well. I was diagnosed...
  5. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Congrats Star!! I was wondering what that facebook status was about. ;) Hope you feel better soon Cat! I would have done the same thing with that candy. ;) I love gummy candy, but my guts hate it! My intestines don't even try and digest it anymore...I literally will poo solid gummy. :( So...
  6. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Good luck Sunshine! I hope she is able to put you on something that works!
  7. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I'm home! Lots of reading to do on the thread! Lets see if I can respond to all that I have missed..... I ended up doing the accupuncture in the middle of the cruise. It was 78 Euro, which comes out to about $100, which is kind of insane, but we wanted to see if it would help. All it was was a...
  8. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Star, I totally understand you being frustrated. Even though I am closer than you to a treatment and diagnosis, I too am having trouble getting the right amount of medication and treatment.... I think I'm just going to have them cut me open like they did sunshine, maybe that will finally show...
  9. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Cat, yeah, he does, but it is a milder case of it. He wasn't deployed when it happened either! He is a paratrooper, and his parachute got tangled during a jump too close to the ground for him to fix it in time. At first the army said he wouldn't have any damage, but then months after the...
  10. allieinwonder

    Pain medication and addiction in Crohn's Disease

    Mike, they allow you on 300mg of tramadol a day? Wow! My doctors only allow me 150mg a day, and it isn't enough for my bad days. But they refuse to up my dose or give me something stronger for my breakthrough pain. But be careful...tramadol is addictive! I have heard some awful stories of people...
  11. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Yup, thats pretty much how cruises work! I think anyway...this is my first one! This is the first vacation in a while that I'm excited about, because with being on a boat in the middle of the ocean you are pretty much forced to relax, instead of being in a city and spending so much energy seeing...
  12. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hey Everyone! I hope all are doing well. :) I am so sorry I haven't been around lately...The past two weeks were the performances for the musical I was in, Hairspray, and the dancing I was going every night was exhausting me to the point that I was sleeping all day before the performance. :( I...
  13. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    You are right Cat, I should slow down. My body actually forced me pain was so darn high I didn't even have the energy to discipline my parrot when he was trying to throw all his food out of his cage (he is a picky eater and will throw the stuff he doesn't like all over the place). I...
  14. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Cat, you shouldn't feel bad about the way that conversation went with your coworker! 50's is NOT old. My mother is in her 50's and she is actually pretty much addicted to exercising. My parents go hiking every weekend! I myself have never been a big exerciser, except for dancing, swimming, and...
  15. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I think you should go for it Cat! I am also a bike-rider, but when I got sick it stopped. Before that I rode my bike around campus and to and from the grocery store at my apartment! Now my bike is at my parent's house for safe keeping until I am able to do it again. The meds are doing so-so at...
  16. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks for your perspective! Even though I haven't experienced remission yet, from what I have read from the patients point of view it seems hard to say "oh you are in remission" just by test results. I know with AI illnesses like mine it will be ANA being positive that makes them aware that it...
  17. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Cat, we had good weather here today too! It was very sunny, with very little cloud cover, which is VERY rare here! I took advantage of it and took Kallie for a walk, which now I'm kind of regretting it because that and an intense play rehearsal has my pain at a 9 and I'm not liking it. :( How...
  18. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I'm so sorry Ever. Those nights are the absolute worst. :( You climb into bed after feeling like you have thrown up the wrong way completely exhausted! Did you wake up with the D? That is NOT a symptom of IBS. When you go to sleep your guts are suppose to stop moving. I would mention all of this...
  19. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks for the info Cat! That's exactly what my rheumy was trying to explain to me in broken English, you filled in what he couldn't seem to say. :) He said as long as I'm on 7.5 or less it shouldn't cause any harm! The vacation is really very exciting! All of our vacations here in Europe...
  20. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks Cat! I am a little worried with being on pred this long term (he has no plans on taking me off of it, and I don't see him again for another 4 months), but with it only being 5mg I should be fine I guess. We shall see! Carrie, I'm so sorry about your pain. :( The ER, for us spoonies, is...