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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. allieinwonder

    Please Help

    Hi Allie (I'm Allie too!), Your story sounds a lot like mine recently. I have been put on pred as well, and that is exactly how I got my diagnosis. I feel absolutely fantastic when I'm on pred (10mg or higher anyway), and every time they taper it my symptoms get worse. When they saw how well I...
  2. allieinwonder

    Had my CT scan today!

    That is so cool that you got a CD of the images....I'm a little jealous! I agree with others, you have to patient! Things will all work out in the end. :)
  3. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Jill, I am so sorry you are still stuck in this limbo. I have never understood taking away a diagnosis like that, and I don't think I ever will. Like people say, if walks like a duck, quacks like a duck....its a freaking duck. I hope you are able to manage until you get final answers, and if you...
  4. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I think going and seeing the fireworks will be worth it! You probably will need to rest tomorrow though! We only have a couple hours left of 2011 over here, and I'm still at home. Germans are serious about new year...I will be able to sit on my porch and see tons of fireworks. :) That's why we...
  5. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Shan, oh my goodness, I don't know what to say! I am so sorry you are going through this. I hate when our bodies are so sick we can't remember whats going on like that, it makes things so much worse. :( I am so glad they have figured out whats wrong though, and that you are on the mend...
  6. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Yeah, you got it right: rice is a no-no, fried is ok. Basically anything considered good for you hurts me, and anything bad for you doesn't. I hate it! Before I got sick one of my favorite dinners was a giant fruit salad with yogurt, or a salad. I was thin for a much different reason!
  7. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Ahhh.....sushi....I love it, but my tummy now hates it. I'm thinking its because of the rice and fresh food. Fried Sushi actually does better! Carrie, good luck with the scan! I'm so glad the holidays are over. That was way too much for my body to handle. Yesterday we did all of our errands...
  8. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Sunshine, I'm so sorry they want to literally torture you to get an exact answer. What happened to good bedside manner? My dad had me read the hippocratic oath the other day, and this is really against that. Just because they could find an exact answer that way does not mean they should. Cat and...
  9. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. :) I have thought about he ER several times, but with my MIL judging me the way she is, and how many things we have planned, I just don't want the trouble it will cause. Plus the ER might still think I'm a drug seeker even though I have a legitimate diagnosis...
  10. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Gotcha. Yeah, I agree, I need to be on something else at the same time. In Germany I could end up in the hospital very fast if I have to wait 6 months for this to help. They don't play around with illnesses like this! I agree with you on yours probably being AI as well. But it wouldn't work for...
  11. allieinwonder

    Possible first flare...thoughts?

    Welcome to our club! With inflammation like that, it is NOT IBS. IBS does not have any symptoms like that. However, rashes aren't a common symptom of IBD. Lupus causes rashes, and it can also cause inflammation of the intestines. Have you had your ANA tested in your blood? Have you seen a...
  12. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    6 MONTHS? I was told 6 - 8 weeks! O.O I cannot wait 6 months...if so I need to be given a better pain medication. ~.~ What are you on it for again? Maybe it will work faster for my condition....or maybe they will put me back on pred in Germany while the plaquenil kicks in. What kind of dose were...
  13. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    TrueBlueWolf, welcome to our little club. Your story sounds a lot like ours...finding nothing on tests is very common. :( With these kinds of problems sometimes you have to attack it a different way, and having to find a doctor that is willing to look outside the box is very hard. I hope you get...
  14. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks guys! I am pretty excited, but not as excited as everyone else. I didn't see it as such a big victory because it isn't an official diagnosis, and it is a very general diagnosis, but I guess I am on the right road now. I've been doing a bit of research and it is treated just like lupus...
  15. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hey Guys! I hope the stress of the holidays hasn't gotten to you guys too bad! It has for me unfortunately. :( I have had way to much going on the past few days, and now that I'm staying at my in-laws, I have no privacy and no down time. I am so tired. With Friday being anxious with Stuart's...
  16. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Good for you to get tested for Lupus! Even though most lupus patients don't have gut issues, its good to get it out of the way. Pill cam IS more effective than a CT. A CT can see bowel inflammation, but it cannot see the no ulcers or things can be seen. A portion of crohn's patients...
  17. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Tamesis, I'm sorry your colonoscopy didn't find anything! That entire experience sounds awful. :( Don't give up! I think everyone isn't feeling too well right now. :( I pick up Stuart from the airport tonight...which is REALLY exciting...but the anxiousness and stress of it is causing the worst...
  18. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group I'm a little worried here... I touched my ear a little bit ago, not for really reason, and I found that its swollen. Well part of it anyway, part of the side. I go to look at it in the mirror..and a really weird colored freckle is right on top of the swelling. Its hard as a rock. I...
  19. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Sunshine, I feel like you and I are being treated the same f*ed up way. they want to see how far they can push it to satisfy their stupid tests to feel better about themselves. This is just CRUEL. I would stand up for yourself and REFUSE. This makes me so angry I want to spit nails....
  20. allieinwonder

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I've done that before on my own. I felt so much better I didn't care about the hunger! I still had the liquid D 8 - 14 times a day, but my pain went down a lot. The most solid thing I would eat was jello and applesauce...and I loved it! I only stopped because I was having a test done and I...