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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. E

    Ileocecal resection (first time)

    1) I did not have chronic fatigue after the surgery, after 3 weeks I felt great. I could eat what I wanted, and my general condition also improved very quickly. 2) Every morning I received visits from several doctors, so I guess I did. 3) During the surgery they checked each inch of my...
  2. E

    Strictureplasty recovery time?

    Hope the strictureplasty will work out well for you! I had a laproscopic ileocecal resection 5 weeks ago, and after 3 weeks I felt almost completely the best healthy version of myself again :) Unfortunately I had a small complication (subobstruction due to my bowels not passing all the food...
  3. E

    Ileocecal resection (first time)

    Haha thanks! No worries your reply is still very helpful, because of the medication advice. I hope you are fine atm and I’m going to do a trial with either Entyvio or a placebo (for half a year). Entyvio isn’t that common to give in the Netherlands but I hope they might give it to me permanently...
  4. E

    Ileocecal resection (first time)

    Well, this went really well. Beyond my expectations. They removed about 10-15 cm, a little bit more because from the outside of my bowels they couldn’t see very well were the Crohn ended, but when they pinched the surrounding fat it began to bleed quicker and apparently that’s a sign. The first...
  5. E

    Ileocecal resection (first time)

    Wow very detailed reply thanks a lot SLake!! I will indeed be around 3-4 days in the hospital, because they don’t have to remove a lot of my small intestine. When I researched this forum I also read a lot about diarrhea afterwards the removal of your ileocecal valve, my GI and surgeon didn’t...
  6. E

    Ileocecal resection (first time)

    Thanks a lot for your reply Flap Jackson! It’s very reassuring. I have an office job so maybe I can slowly go back to work after 4/5 weeks, that would be great, I’m lonely at home. Remicade is great, unfortunately I developped allergic reactions so can’t use that anymore. I will probably attend...
  7. E

    Ileocecal resection (first time)

    Dear forum members, I hope everything is going well with you! And if not I hope things get better soon. I’m a Crohnie from the Netherlands, and in a few weeks I’m getting surgery to remove my terminal ileum, the ileocecal valve and a little bit from the large intestine. I’m really looking...