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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Ghostwind

    Possible Flaring?

    Hang in there. :) Flares can come and go so there will be good days and bad days. Hopefully you can find a treatment that helps minimize symptoms or completely puts you into remission. I'm still searching for the magic formula myself and have been really dealing with the fatigue factor the...
  2. Ghostwind

    What pain meds is everyone on?

    I'm on a daily regiment of Darvocet and Percocet. Usually I can get away with taking a single pill of each per day, except when I start flaring then the dose goes up understandably.
  3. Ghostwind

    What did you know about Crohn’s before you were diagnosed?

    :ylol2: I now have Pepsi on my keyboard... (is in his 40's) :)
  4. Ghostwind

    How were you diagnosed?

    I actually went to the hospital for chest pains (had been having them for some time) and after the heart tests came back negative, they referred me to my current GI doctor who ran some more tests and determined I had acid reflux, Crohn's (from a genetics blood test) and IBD.
  5. Ghostwind

    First Remicade Update

    I hope it works for you. Remicade side effects vary a lot between individuals. It sounds like you had minimal or none, which is great. :)
  6. Ghostwind

    Remicade just ceasing to work?

    Been on Imuran since I was diagnosed. :) The doctor has moved my treatments up to every six weeks and also put me on Levaquin to see if it helps matters.
  7. Ghostwind

    Remicade just ceasing to work?

    As I posted in a different thread, I've been on Remicade for about a year. I've still been having symptoms but they were much milder. Well, last week everything came back full force from the diarrhea to the pain. I think the Remicade has quit working completely. I'm scheduled for another...
  8. Ghostwind

    Dry skin help

    I have the same issue (well, not the thick hair) and my GI put me on a lotion called Lac-Hydrin 5. It's available over the counter and has helped me quite a bit. Now I just need to remember to put it on every morning after my shower...
  9. Ghostwind

    What did you know about Crohn’s before you were diagnosed?

    When I was diagnosed in 2006, I had a vague knowledge of the disease. Talk about a crash course in learning...
  10. Ghostwind

    I need of answers plz

    When I was on Pentasa, it wasn't very effective for me. Now I'm on Imuran and I don't have the side effects I had with Pentasa. Remicade is a good option although it doesn't always work for everyone. I've been on it for nearly a year and suddenly last week it completely stopped working on me and...
  11. Ghostwind

    What to eat during a flare up?

    I have good luck by going with mashed potatoes and noodles. Think bland.
  12. Ghostwind

    What kind of side effects do you suffer from with Remicade?

    I've been on Remicade for nearly a year now and I still have side effects from the treatment. First off, I get the buzzing headache about an hour into the treatment and then mild nausea by the time it is done. The next couple of days after that I am physically wiped and exhausted. Usually by the...
  13. Ghostwind

    What do you do during those 2.5-hour infusions?

    I mostly just read and listen to my mp3 player. Sometimes I will talk to the other patients and the nurse. Just depends on how I am feeling and my mood. :)