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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. P

    Terminal ileum fistula surgery

    Hey guys! I've been reading a lot of forums lately and have some questions. I've had Crohn's now for 15 years. 30 years old, fit and active. 2009 I had air come out when I peed. Didn't hurt or think anymore of it. Fast forward to 2016 and I had lots of air and nasty UTI's. WBC over 100+...
  2. P

    Crohn's fistulas ileum/ cecum/ sigmoid and bladder.

    Hey there! Yeah! That's what I am hearing also. I am taking it is every week now started last week. I've been on it for 2 months. So let's see how it goes. Thanks friend.
  3. P

    Crohn's fistulas ileum/ cecum/ sigmoid and bladder.

    Hey guys! First time on any forum. I have had crohns for 15 years. All in all I've had a alright time. The first 7 years was a lot of hospital visits. The last 8 years have been a lot better due to my organic eating. It is in my lieum. So, the first 6-7 years I didn't know how to eat so it...