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  1. Colt

    Meds three times a day: How punctual are you?

    I missed my elavil last night so I paged my doctor at 3AM and asked him what to do. He said 'Why are you calling me? Forget about it.' *CLICK* I then wrote a 2 page report on what I missed and why and then closely monitored myself and wrote a second report on how it didn't hurt me in any way. I...
  2. Colt

    How do you know your flaring?

    How do I know I'm not having a flare? I check my pill box and there's no prednisone. :yfrown:
  3. Colt

    Mouth Ulcers

    Pen, having ulcers outside of the GI tract isn't crohn's. It's likely a different autoimmune disease. Ulcerating as a direct response to an injury wreaks of behcet's but it could also be lupus or any other number of things. Having one autoimmune of course makes it a lot more likely to have...
  4. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    So now that I'm off my prednisone, been completely blown off my a rheumatologist who wouldn't do any proper testing and mostly ignored the tests he did order I'm not doing so great. I've got rather nasty joint pain, my ankles (don't ask me why he picked my ankles of all places to x-ray, you...
  5. Colt

    Update: See, I told 'em I was sick!

    Congratulations on your new treatment plan.
  6. Colt

    Craziest Test Ever

    Soup is right, you need to talk to the doctor or whoever Doris' superior is. It doesn't sound like she should be doing the job she is. Maybe she can spend some quality time working a sitter room somewhere while she refreshes herself on proper procedure.
  7. Colt

    Craziest Test Ever

    Pumping as in pushing it all out and then pulling back, or just pulling back to a more or less degree? If she's pushing the blood back in that's a super no-no. Especially if it's taking a long time the blood in the syringe is likely to have started to clot or if it's heparinized the heparin is...
  8. Colt

    Would this be okay?

    Wait until you talk to your doctor. This is a case for your primary/general practice doctor. Even without any kind of interaction they may not want your symptoms suppressed when you see them. It's harder to tell how someone is progressing with a sinus infection when they take a bunch of...
  9. Colt

    Craziest Test Ever

    Soup covered it pretty well. If you have questions PLEASE ask. Trust me, the large majority of medical workers love telling you all about their job. I let off a little mental cheer every time someone asks me a question because I get a chance to share with someone else what I do for 1/3 of my...
  10. Colt

    Yet another deaf doctor

    15 days later I finally get a form letter (which the jerk didn't even bother to fill out. Just sent the template without any individual information) stating that I have a vitamin d deficiency and a prescription for a super-concentrated vitamin d supplement. At least he admitted that I had the...
  11. Colt

    Meds three times a day: How punctual are you?

    See what I mean? Apparently anyone can get an RF done but me.
  12. Colt

    Meds three times a day: How punctual are you?

    For rheumatoid arthritis. It's a screening test. A negative or positive greatly affects your chances of having the disease but it's not definitive one way or the other.
  13. Colt

    Meds three times a day: How punctual are you?

    Odd how I can be this bad and go to a rheumatologist, and not even get a rheumatoid factor done.
  14. Colt

    Meds three times a day: How punctual are you?

    Dan, I've learned the lesson that you should never underestimate my joint pain. I do indeed take it 3 times a day when I work. Because of the drug interaction I only use it while I'm at work as I can't do my job without it. On my 3 days off each week I just relax, try to go easy on my joints...
  15. Colt

    Officials say 'bad science' links vaccines, autism

    I think something that people don't understand with those lawsuits is that only 7 states in the US allow punitive damages. In the other 43 states you can only receive the exact minimum that you can prove they have cost you. You're not allowed to make a profit from law suits. Those punitive...
  16. Colt

    Meds three times a day: How punctual are you?

    You can take it once a day. That's what the prescription was for. Prescription language is VERY specific. Taking it 3 times daily isn't bad at all though and if the side-effects are rough on you it might reduce them some because you'll have less of a spike and trough in your blood levels.
  17. Colt

    Officials say 'bad science' links vaccines, autism

    Again, autism occurs in children who do not have vaccinations. The reason why a vaccination is between you thinking your child is normal and thinking your child is different is because your child is receiving so many vaccinations that they come before pretty much any occurance. Not because they...
  18. Colt

    Officials say 'bad science' links vaccines, autism

    From what I've seen there is no difference in autism rates between vaccinated and non-vaccinated children. I don't have the time to go looking it up right now but I'm sure someone else will. The thing is that vaccines given to the child can not be a cause for autism because it is a pre-birth...
  19. Colt

    Alternatives to Pred

    Prednisone is very good at what it's supposed to be used for. That's flares and as a transition drug. You need to have a replacement drug in mind before you even start the pred. Be it methotrexate, imuran, humira, or whatever. Mostly crohn's drugs take a while to come into effect so the...
  20. Colt

    Meds three times a day: How punctual are you?

    It depends on the medication. Some meds like anti-seizure medications for epileptics or insulin for diabetics really need to maintain a certain level at all times. Going too much one way or the other causes problems. Most meds are not a problem though. You just need to generaly take it at the...