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  1. Colt

    When to go to the hospital.

    The general rule with crohn's is... if you feel the need to ask the answer is yes.
  2. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    I'm actually starting to doubt the IBS now. The main argument for the IBS was that it was occurring when I ate. Now we know it hurts when I eat due to ulcers and inflammation. I'm steadily getting worse too. I've in this light decided not to refill my bentyl as I don't think it was doing much of...
  3. Colt

    How bad has your crohn's gotten.

    PICC line infections are common. We've always got at least one on the floors. They're especially hard on us too because they're usually put in because a patient is nearly impossible to get blood from, and then on top of that we can't stick an arm with a PICC in it. Yet we have to get a lot of...
  4. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    Well, from what I've learned from my wife I don't blame them for trying to avoid me, and for being a little pissy. Apparently the sedation had left me without a short term memory. I'm told I asked the doctor and the nurses the same set of questions over and over. I was unaware that I had just...
  5. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    I consider it a great occation for precisely that reason. I'm never going to get better until they stop screwing around and treat the real problem. I'd gladly take a month in the hospital for a life time free of uncontrolled crohn's.
  6. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    My GI was apparently so embarassed he chose to send in another doctor to give my wife the results before I had a chance to wake up. She actually said ''It doesn't look like crohn's." I'm not sure how it could look any more like crohn's really. It's inflamed tissue forming ulcers in the GI tract...
  7. Colt

    Lovely (sarcasm)

    You'll find that if a parent has something there are few doctors who have a second thought about diagnosing the child with it. It doesn't really matter what the problem is. Try to be as objective as possible. 5 years old would be a very unusual age for the disease to present itself. There are...
  8. Colt

    How to find a good GI doctor

    Thanks for alerting me to that site. I rated my doctors. The other person who rated my rheumatologist was just as furious as I was. I'm not surprised.
  9. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    As promised, pictures of the positive results. Unfortunately they don't record a video. They only take pictures.
  10. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    It's just shocking to finally be proven right after so many people insist I'm a hypochondriac, liar, or whatever. Years and years and there's the inflammation and ulceration (even if they're just erosions at this stage) right there in the picture. It just feels so good finally being vindicated.
  11. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    I'M NOT CRAZY! Results were positive. Findings: The gastric mucosa along the greater curve displayed focal erythema and erosions. The duodenal bulb also has focal erythema. No ulcerations were seen. Biopsies were done for H. Pylori. Endoscopic Diagnosis: Focal erythema of the greater curve...
  12. Colt

    How bad has your crohn's gotten.

    For me I was in so much pain I could rarely get out of bed for a few months. Ended up getting run out of high school for it. I hurt their attendance records.
  13. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    Will do, as soon as I recover from the anesthesia. If I get a positive result I'll get a copy of the video and post it as well. In fact I'll mail a copy to every doctor and med school in the country just to make sure it doesn't get lost like the last one did.
  14. Colt

    Enzyme Involved In Inflammatory Bowel Disease Discovered

    As Holly said, a correlation does not establish cause and effect. Crohn's may just as likely cause a deficiency as the deficiency causes Crohn's.
  15. Colt

    Just feel like giving an update

    I'm leaving for my endoscope in about an hour. I've been NPO for 13 hours so far and I still have pain in my upper left so hopefully they'll get a shot of what's causing it. This is pretty much my last chance before the GIs right off crohn's forever.
  16. Colt

    Pain across lower back

    You need to have an x-ray of your sacroilium. There is a very strong connection between crohns and inflammation of the sacroilium, which is in the back down around your pelvis. If you have this, without treatment there is a very good chance that your spine will fuse together giving you 'bamboo...
  17. Colt

    What's the best way to help?

    To be honest, and to put it simply, he's going to have crohn's disease and he's going to be sick regardless of what he eats. The reason we tend to get upset when people start trying to police our diets and activities is because it comes across (and in a lot of cases rightly so) as someone...
  18. Colt

    How many pills???

    At the moment: 3 elavil (For IBS/Chronic pain. 75mg but I demanded it in 25mg tabs because the last 50mg are worthless and I don't expect to be taking them very long) 1 atenelol (for mysterious tachycardia) 2 fish oil (great for good cholesterol) 1 multivitamin (100% of my recommended...
  19. Colt

    Month you were born.

    So Pen, are you proposing the solution to overpopulation is TV? I like it. Don't feed the children, entertain them! :)
  20. Colt

    Which is the better pain reliever for Crohn's Disease? Advil, Tylenol or Aspirin?

    Aspirin is okay in small doses and/or short periods. A study was done last year with putting crohnies on various NSAIDs for a 2 week period and while the dual-cox inhibitors (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc,) resulted in a large number of flare-ups the cox-2 inhibitor (aspirin, etc) group had no...