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  1. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Here is a new study showing that little effect of vitamin D on colitis in IL-10 deficient mice (Glenn AJ, et al. Long-Term Vitamin D3 Supplementation Does Not Prevent Colonic Inflammation or Modulate Bone Health in IL-10 Knockout Mice at Young Adulthood. Nutrients. 2014 Sep 22;6(9):3847-3862)...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks Old Mike for sharing the thought and info. I share the same notion with you that IBS might be just a mild form of gut disease that has not manifested into IBD. As discussed in my early posts, I think even some artificial sweeteners or something else indeed the main culprit of IBD, the...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    There is definitely reason for the striking increase of IBD since last century. I would be happy to see explanations better than mine. However, to my knowledge, large amounts of MAP are only generated by animals with Johne’s disease and shed into the environment through feces. Then MAP will...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks Old Mike for sharing the info. It is indeed a very interesting study. I do not think artificial sweeteners are the sole cause of IBD. However, as for the wide use, I believe they could be one of the major causative factors for the disease. In China, the highest incidence of IBD including...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    As explicitly described in the paper discussed here ( ), saccharin was introduced into the market in 1887, decades before even World War I (WWI). It had been used in thousands of kinds of foods, beverages and other things...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    As described in the paper discussed here and multiple papers published afterwards (Here is the link), I have suspected that sucralose may be the important causative factor for the recent worldwide increase of IBD. I have found evidence for countries like Canada, the US, Australia, Norway...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks Old Mike for sharing the thoughts and info.
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks Old Mike for sharing the info. I think we should take a more prudent attitude toward the safety of artificial sweeteners and other dietary chemicals. At least, their effect on gut bacteria has never been taken into account when assessing their toxicity. Based on early discussion on the...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks for sharing the thoughts. Theoretically, if vaccine really increased the risk of autism or Crohn’s disease, no matter worked primarily or secondarily, it should be shown up in the many epidemiological studies. Talking about the dog, I have actually suspected that IBD in human might be...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Here is an example how a controversy, no matter how many evidences highly suggestive one side likely wrong, can still last forever. From the link above, we can see it was mainly based on a Daily Mail report back to 28/05/2006 (here is the link: Scientists fear MMR link to autism) regarding a...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Old Mike: Thank you very much for sharing the paper. Although I have collected quite a number of research papers from Drs. Norin and Midtvedt, the one you listed above is out of my radar. I usually use pubmed to check out references. It seems this one is out of their collection. Yes, I take a...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Measured objectively, what a man can wrest from Truth by passionate striving is utterly infinitesimal. But the striving frees us from the bonds of the self and makes us comrades of those who are the best and the greatest. ― Albert Einstein
  13. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Nothing seems simple. Talking about toxicity, anything we take would far less toxic than the endotoxin (also known as lipopolysaccharides, or LPS) possessed by the bacteria inside our body. A dose of 1 µg/kg can induce shock in humans, while 1 ml saliva or 1 g feces contains 1 mg endotoxin (here...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Old Mike: I agree. The dramatic increase in low IBD countries like China may provide a chance to find out its cause. Hope people may put more efforts. It would be no surprising that the unsterilized water may protective. However, drinking chlorination/boiling sterilized water seems not enough...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Sorry for the delayed response. Frankly, I have hesitated but now I feel it would be necessary to share what I experienced during the more than a decade pursuit in IBD, so we may have a more clear vision of the situation and problems in current IBD research and where could be the likely simple...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    As mentioned in my early post (see #294), the existence of H. Pylori (the spiral-shaped bacteria) in the lining of the human stomach had been found by German scientists back to 1875. As early as 1899, Professor Walery Jaworski of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków had suggested that these...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    I personally feel IBD could be much simple than people currently perceived. The dramatic increase of Crohn's patients in the Saudi clinic from 0 or 1 case during 1993 to 2000 to 174 cases in 2009 (here is the figure) would be more likely due to a sudden introduction of one risk agent rather than...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Old Mike: I agree with you. This study found the increased sugar consumption as one of the most important risk factors for UC. In fact I have sent email years ago to quite a few of the top IBD researchers in China (some of them being in the author list in the published paper: Wang YF, et al...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    I am surprised that the study did not find any difference between urban and rural areas, as there is usually a big difference regarding their sanitary condition. Probably, the poor hygiene condition in the rural area has led more people there drinking boiled water and avoided tap water...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks Old Mike for sharing the info. Below is the link to the live version of the paper above: Wang YF, et al. Multicenter case-control study of the risk factors for ulcerative colitis in China. World J Gastroenterol. 2013 Mar 21;19(11):1827-33. This is a paper out of my radar. It is...