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  1. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Bacteroides may be easily grown in media (Eley A, Greenwood D, O'Grady F. Comparative growth of Bacteroides species in various anaerobic culture media. J Med Microbiol. 1985 Apr;19(2):195-201). If Bacteroides indeed benefits, an efficient way would be to grow it in vitro, then make a targeted...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks wildbill_52280 and Old Mike for sharing the info and thoughts. As stated in the paper I published several years ago (Qin X. With the great complexity unveiling, can we still decipher the interaction between gut flora and the host in inflammatory bowel disease to find out the mechanism...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks Joshuaaa for the warm words. It encourages me to continue my efforts. I believe IBD is preventable, but at first we need finding out the causative factors in the environment. IBD would also be curable. In my opinion, this may largely rely on at first restore the gut barrier function, then...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Frankly, I frequently feel frustrated, as it was more than a decade ago that I perceived IBD could be simply resulted from the inhibition of gut bacteria by dietary chemicals like saccharin, etc, and the resultant damage of gut barrier by the poorly inactivated digestive proteases (Qin XF...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks Old Mike. With millions of people suffering from such devastating diseases as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, I felt obligated to warn the world what I perceived as the possible cause and glad to participate in the challenging exploration for the possible mechanism.
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks all for the posts. Thanks Old Mike for referring me the EU-funded project IPODD ('IBD: proteases offer new targets for drug discovery'). It is an interesting study. They looked into the matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) within the tissue as well as the proteases from gut bacteria, but...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Sorry for the delayed response. I have some other things to do. I read this paper. To my understanding, the so called allelic imbalance refers to a difference in the expression of a risk gene versus the normal gene, thus may somehow reflected the intensity of the risk, but not the mechanism and...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    It would be very interesting for the MILK theory in Sweden, as all the link between milk and Crohn’s disease has pointed to the contamination of the milk by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) from the cattle with Johne’s disease. However, as discussed in the early post (see post...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    My early post (#185) was actually talking about the occurrence of Crohn’s disease in the father and his 4 of the 8 children as referred by your early post (#183) that fits into the pattern of some inherited genetic diseases. As for the epidemic of IBD since last century, I think we share the...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    The clustering of a disease in a family may be caused by both genetic and environmental factors. However, the occurrence of Crohn’s disease in the father and 4 of the 8 children as reported (Joossens M, et al. Contribution of genetic and environmental factors in the pathogenesis of Crohn's...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks kiny for sharing the info. These are very interesting studies. There would be always a reason for a phenomenon, and the answer could be very simple once we solved the mystery.
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks sir.clausin and many others for the interest. Here I would like to share another personal story. Not long ago, I found a paper published in Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition regarding the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease in northern Stockholm (Malmborg P, et al...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    kiny posted several long posts. Frankly, I would like to discuss with people with reasoning, but have no interest to argue with people over arbitrary allegations. You raised a lot of questions. In fact, you can find my answers to most of these questions in my paper or my previous posts. You...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    I just submitted a paper to the Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis entitled “Does the association with NOD2, autophagy and some pathogens really mean Crohn’s disease is caused by uncontrolled infection?”, and I was informed the paper has been accepted for publication. Apparently, the journal...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Here is a study just got published recently (Midtvedt T, et al. Increase of faecal tryptic activity relates to changes in the intestinal microbiome: analysis of Crohn's disease with a multidisciplinary platform. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 20;8(6):e66074...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    As we discussed in some early posts, I also believe that infection by bacteria may have contributed significantly to the pathogenesis of the disease, especially when the prolonged inflammation has caused such a damage that allowed the luminal bacteria easily get in. However, I suspected that the...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    As illustrated in my paper, I believe that the weakening of gut barrier and increased infiltration of toxic components like lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and the Muramyl dipeptide (MDP) containing peptidoglycan of bacteria might be the primary trigger of the inflammation. As we know, the gut...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks all for the posts, and thanks kiny for sharing the thoughts and info. I read through the paper you listed above (Bach H, Rosenfeld G, Bressler B. Treatment of Crohn's disease patients with infliximab is detrimental for the survival of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis within...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks helena101 and kiny for the posts. Yes, I think the article I posted early (in post #152) related to a fundamental question: Is IBD like Crohn’s disease caused by an OVER REACTION or DEFICIENCY of the immune system? I know most of the many recent magnificent studies that are published in...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Here is another interesting article published recently: Messer JS, et al. The Crohn's disease: associated ATG16L1 variant and Salmonella invasion. BMJ Open. 2013 Jun 20;3(6). It showed that mutation or deficiency of the Crohn’s disease - associated core autophagy gene ATG16L1 conferred...