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  1. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    I totally agree that any assumption and hypothesis must be kept checked against the hard facts and only the facts have the power for the ultimate judgments. As even the effects of antibiotics and smoking become trivial, there must be some more dominant factors for IBD. I suspected that...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    The positive link between antibiotics and IBD would likely be true, as it not only demonstrated in the nationwide study of Denmark (Hviid A, et al. Antibiotic use and inflammatory bowel diseases in childhood. Gut. 2011 Jan;60(1):49-54. but also in...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    To my knowledge, the per capita data would be usually calculated as the amount (tons) of chemical used in a country divided by the population, rather than sampling. It seems the average amounts of antibiotics use in China was just calculated this way. Here is another link...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Antibiotics are indeed heavily abused in China. Here is a link to an article published in Jan. 5, 2012 with some information (,8599,2103733,00.html ). It stated that “Last month, the country (China)'s Ministry of Health revealed that on average each...
  5. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks Moe, MiciCom and wildbill_52280 for sharing the thoughts and info. Here I attached a link to a review article regarding the controversy on the possible link between MAP and Crohn’s disease, as well as some information on Koch’s postulation (Rosenfeld G, Bressler B. Mycobacterium avium...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks Moe for sharing the info. This is really a very interesting case that demonstrated the difficulty to distinguish between intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn’s disease on symptoms. It would be also very interesting for the very low Crohn’s disease in Saudi Arabia. We can see a thread in...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks Old Mike and Moe for sharing the thoughts and info. Yes, there are so many possibilities for IBD. It would be better we can sort them out and make some kind of quantitative assessment. Free radicals have been the weapon of white blood cells to fight bacteria. They definitely can cause...
  8. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks Judith for the comments. IBD indeed seems very complex, as suggested by the many articles published in some of the most renowned journals. However, time and again, this kind of overwhelmingly bewildering complexity may largely due to the failure of knowing its cause. For instance...
  9. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    This is the era of genome. We all expect research on genes may solve the big problems, and this is indeed where we have put the greatest enthusiasm, attention, hope, trust and belief as well as the energy, efforts and resource. However, it seems not that easy to get the miracle. I found the...
  10. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    This paper suggested that ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD) are just two phenomena of the same disease rather than two different diseases. This notion came to my mind when I saw the consecutive shift of CD from the small to large intestine over time, and thus likely a shift from...
  11. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks Mark in Seattle for interest in the proposed research. For this kind of study, the commonly used laboratory animals like mice and rats may be used. Deconjugation of bilirubin and inactivation of digestive proteases can be assessed by measuring the amount of conjugated bilirubin and...
  12. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks tots for sharing the story. There would be definitely other causes of IBD other than saccharin and sucralose. I personally believe anything that caused a prolonged and sustained damage and inflammation of gut may increase the risk for IBD. Thanks Mark in Seattle for the interest in my...
  13. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks kiny for posting this informative map on CD. This map clearly showed that Sweden were among countries with the highest incidence of CD, which was higher than countries like Germany, despite that Sweden are almost free of MAP while some parts of Germany may have as high as 84.7% of MAP...
  14. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Hi, Old Mike, sorry for the delay. I am in a vacation with my family with busy schedules and limited access to Internet. It had been a pleasure to have exchanged thoughts, ideas and information over the email, and thanks for your interest in my opinion on the possible link between Mycobacterium...
  15. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Here is how I got to sucralose and this unified hypothesis on the etiology of IBD. After I found the possible link between saccharin and IBD as described above and in the paper eventually published in Medical Hypothesis in 2002, I had contact multiple national and international agencies in US...
  16. X

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks a lot for Mark in Seattle for the interest in my article and started this thread. The hypothesis proposed here lumped up those that can make a significant inhibition on gut bacteria rather than just artificial sweeteners. For instance, aspartame dominated the artificial sweetener market...
  17. X

    New research has found a substantial and sustained increase in cases of childhood inf

    Hi, kiny, sorry for the delay in response. Thank you for your interest in my opinion. You know I am just a research scientist, not a clinical doctor. Here is just my personal thought. If the patient kept on getting relapse after stopping medication, quite possible the mucosa is not completely...
  18. X

    New research has found a substantial and sustained increase in cases of childhood inf

    Sucralose was approved in US in 1998. Before that the artificial sweetener used in canned foods was most likely saccharin. In fact, after its discovery in later 1870s saccharin was initially used for canned vegetables and fruits, taking advantage of both its high sweetness and its antiseptic...
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    New research has found a substantial and sustained increase in cases of childhood inf

    I was not surprised at all to this increase. Sucralose was approved in Ireland in 2003 and this rapid rise in Irish paediatric inflammatory bowel disease occurred since middle 2000s shortly after that. It would be just what was predicted in the paper I wrote that was published in World Journal...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Thanks kiny for the posts and information. The same thing would also be true for sucralose, which was first approved by Canada in 1991, then by US in 1998 and by EU in 2004. It has long become the number one artificial sweetener in US and used in thousands of foods and drinks. I had mentioned...