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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    Yes, it does get very hard to separate the person from the disease as it becomes such a part of them in some ways. And we do have a dog, a Boston Terrier, and they are known for their odoriferous ways too. Doug sometimes tries to blame the dog, but there is no comparison. Phew! I always know who...
  2. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    Hi ElizaKate! I find there is not a lot you can do for a spouse other than love them even thru the hard times. We can encourage good medical care and good diets, prepare what is good for them, but they will either accept our reject from their own free will anyway. My husband, Doug, has his...
  3. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    Donna, I just wrote back again (tried to anyway), but lost my internet connection, lost my post. I will message you tomorrow. Hang in there!
  4. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    Dear, sweet Donna! I hope you don't mind if I call you that, but I can tell you are sweet and kind. And it's ok to vent away, I have done my share of that lately, even here on this forum in other threads. It's the middle of the night for me right now, and I'm tired, but I want you to know you...
  5. SandyUte

    Humerous, Bad, Thoughtless ,or Unbelievable Comments

    Didn't think I would be posting myself here so soon, especially about my own situation, and hope you don't mind if I butt in with my own non IBD, but medical personnel complaint. I went to the ER the other day, after climbing a flight of stairs and suddenly finding I couldn't breath. I had had...
  6. SandyUte

    Humerous, Bad, Thoughtless ,or Unbelievable Comments

    @Dave - it is all relative to their understanding, I've found. No, they will never get it unless they walk in your shoes. Sorry. I face the same with my own health challenges, tho not a IBDer, I find more empathy and support here than anywhere else, and it does help me understand Doug more...
  7. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    And Maylillies, you will find ways to help support your hubby, tho he may not realize it at the time. Just by being here shows that you are supporting him. Hugzzz:hug:
  8. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    Welcome to you too, Melanie. A good gastroenterologist is hard to find, and the medicines commonly used to treat crohns are scary. Sometimes it is just a matter of weighing the options, scary meds vs scary disease. That is the simplistic way of putting things, but actually I'm in favor of the...
  9. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    Hi MayLillies, welcome to this forum. I hope it helps and you find good support here. I know I have over the past few years. I think you hit a nerve with me at least, and I'll bet you have with a lot of others. First of all, congratulations on your recent nuptials, but I'm sorry your starting...
  10. SandyUte

    Humerous, Bad, Thoughtless ,or Unbelievable Comments

    I often think those in the medical profession ought to somehow get a dose of their own medicine.
  11. SandyUte

    Humerous, Bad, Thoughtless ,or Unbelievable Comments

    It does get overwhelming at times (a lot of times), doesn't it? And left of center works for me :ybiggrin: (I love mold) :lol::rof::mademyday::poop::ybiggrin::ybiggrin: :ybiggrin::ybiggrin::ybiggrin:
  12. SandyUte

    Humerous, Bad, Thoughtless ,or Unbelievable Comments

    Thank you Michele, but I think I am the lucky one to have Doug, he puts up with me, and my emotions from my family, and sick as he is, he takes as much care of me as I do of him (and more). We both have chronic illnesses, and I don't think anyone can understand that 24/7 hour 365 day a year...
  13. SandyUte

    Humerous, Bad, Thoughtless ,or Unbelievable Comments

    It is bad enough when friends and acquaintances make stupid comments, drives me insane when the so-called professionals don't have a clue, but family members, who are supposed to be our biggest allies, well, I just don't know what to think anymore. Doug, my husband who has had crohn's for...
  14. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    Hi Summerstorm. Welcome to the forum. If Doug (my hubby) reads this (he is also a forum member), I'm in trouble because he is also a very private person. I just have to tell you something funny, though. Speaking of holding gas in, I always tell Doug that I can tell the second he goes to...
  15. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    I would take her to the ER immediately. Her symptoms don't sound good, and even if it turns out to be nothing significant, some meds (not to mention the disease itself) can have serious complications. Good luck with all this and let us know how things go. We are here for you.
  16. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    Oh, dear lady! You are definitely not alone! I would have responded sooner but we were out of cell phone range yesterday for a day trip (my internet connection at present), then came home to find our power off most of the night with little phone charge. My husband and I met a comparable...
  17. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    By the way, Twixxie, I really appreciate the way you referred to your husband as "a lovely man who happens to have Crohn's disease" instead of a man with Crohn's disease. Our spouses identities are not the disease, they just happen to have it. Thank you for saying it that way. I'm married...
  18. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    Sometimes it is hard to be patient, even when you know they need it. That is a hard one for me also. Teresa is right, though. It is just darn hard to find that balance in life when someone has a major illness.
  19. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    By the way Sarah, my hubby was diagnosed on father's day 2010 after several years of trips to the ER. not fun, is it?
  20. SandyUte

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    just another thought to ponder, not saying what I would do because I don't know, but my hubby was pointing out that he has had conversations on the humira thread with those that are wondering if the risk is worth it. He pointed out that taking humira is for problems in the here and now, can...