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  1. A

    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    So they wanted to go ahead with CTE and hope for the best that he will drink at least a little contrast. I asked if he drinks none, will we still get a chrons vs not chrons diagnosis and was told probably not. So I'm not sure this will work. In my mind the only way and least traumatic is sedate...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    That all makes perfect sense!! With a nonverbal child who has a high pain tolerance it's such a balance between how much testing donee do and how do we not take the last step to be certain there isn't any disease we would be missing otherwise. Thank you everyone for all of this great info will...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    Oh. So I was told the CTE would take seconds. Does that sound right?
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    It's been determined that a CT enterography is the way to go, just waiting to hear if they will sedate him for NG tube placement, then wake him to put in iral contrast, and do the scan. Otherwise they won't get an oz let alone 500-900 mls of oral contrast in him. :/ Regarding, not...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    That's good to hear about mucous. Yea, I suspect if small bowel looks ok IBS will be his diagnosis. They ruled out all the different stool parasites. One other thing is that when his stool is loose and yellowish or has the yellow stool mixed in, it also smells like vomit. Poop smells...but it...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    So I know it's possible to have problems in just stomach and duodenum, what would pathology say if that was the case?
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    Yes his dissacharides were all normal so we have ruled out lactose intolerance. It's not so much the color, although I did read that chrons can cause some yellow stool due to malabsorption, which he does get. It's more the mucous that has her concerned. The stool color oddities have been going...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    I know of him, I watched video he has online about reflux and kids w/asd, by son had been pressing his neck for months which most people attributed as sensory seeking. Or reflux but he also had been intubated a number of times and wanted to rule out structures... plus his swallowing stuff but...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    I know of him, I watched video he has online about reflux and kids w/asd, by son had been pressing his neck for months which most people were attributing to
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    No he won't be able to swallow the dummy or regular capsule. I thought about them putting it in sedated but they would have to keep him sedated the whole time the dummy went through to be able to put regular capsule in. I don't think they would keep him sedated that long. He was on a daily...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    Ok! I know she has contacts in Boston and nationwide maybe she can consult. Ty!!!!
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    I'll have to ask if they can do ultrasound with contrast. We have a pediatric hospital. He went to nationwide for manometry and Boston for vascular ring surgery but they do a lot at our home children's hospital. I still think the white blood cell scan sounds interesting. Where they remove blood...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    I can't find how to edit my post so to clarify...he does not have a motility disorder, that was ruled out. And I was suspicious about something bile related. Just don't know what. He gets orangy but has a high orange diet. He also gets pale. But w/all his labs has not shown liver dysfunction or...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    Initially she thought it looked like H pylori but pathology came back negative. Seeing how he still has a lot of mucous in his stool (which I think is more concerning to her than the looseness or color actually) and he's never had his small bowel checked, and he does not indicate pain the way a...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    Huh. Well I think because of duodenal ulcers w/o h pylori she just wants to make sure we aren't missing anything and that we rule out chrons as the mucous has to be coming from somewhere. We do have a pediatric hospital, not a huge one but I can look into the ultrasound idea. I like the idea of...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    Diet is limited in that the stool change is definitely not diet related. Nothing changed there but his stool has changed dramatically in color, consistency, odor, it's not every BM but it goes through cycles. Globs of mucous in play doh type consistency, fluffy bulky stool, it seriously looks...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    Thanks for your reply! One of our challenges is he is tiny but *really* strong and has had many medical procedures, surgeries, etc. I don't think they would get an NG tube in unless he was sedated at this point. He was sedated to put an ng tube in for manometry study and they had to put braces...
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    Chron's and Down Syndrome

    Hi, This is my first post. My 7 yr old son has DS & is currently being investigated for Chron's. He's had loose, foul smelling stool in various colors including yellow/tan/orange/maroon/ and some normal color/consistency occasionally with a lot of mucous. He's had upper endoscopy and colonoscopy...