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  1. Robrich

    Any experiences with seton removal with no fistula surgery?

    Most of the stories I have read here for non Crohns fistulas have had surgery of various sorts. These things are very stubborn. I think some have had success with diet or even an elemental diet for a short time. From what you've said if there is very little drainage and no abscessing internally...
  2. Robrich

    My Treatment Options - Advice Please!

    Leaf crazy is the ESR or CRP 10/7. Those are good numbers for ESR but not good for CRP. If it's the ESR then I think you are right that Remicade is overkill at this point. If those are CRP numbers and the imaging shows inflammation then you need more meds like Imuran. Since your disease is...
  3. Robrich

    Any experiences with seton removal with no fistula surgery?

    Ginakra fistula surgery doesn't work for Crohns patients. Treating fistulas is very different for Crohns and non Crohns patients. Crohns patients need meds to control the inflammation and intestinal damage which is what caused the fistula. I take it you do not have Crohns so in your case...
  4. Robrich

    Lymphocytic Colitis and Microscopic Colitis Club

    I had collage nous colitis along with Crohns. Took about 2years on entocort until it went away. Pred didn't help. But Cipro did short term anyway. People have tried many many things including standing on there head (really!) to get relief 5 Asa drugs sometimes help My former GI now retired...
  5. Robrich

    Any experiences with seton removal with no fistula surgery?

    Ginakra it doesn't sound too bad. If you are not taking any meds and the drainage is minimal and there is no indication of internal abscessng, I would go with your CRS' recommendations. Although I would strongly suggest antibiotics before and after removal as a precaution. BTW read through the...
  6. Robrich

    Any experiences with seton removal with no fistula surgery?

    Igpcarter When you had the Seton in you were not taking any crohns meds?
  7. Robrich

    Any experiences with seton removal with no fistula surgery?

    It won't heal if you remove the seton while it is still active. You need to get the activity quieted down, perhaps with antibiotics and then have no drainage for awhile before removing the seton. If you don't have Crohns fistulotomy surgery is probably your best bet. Check out threads here...
  8. Robrich


    Hi Ron, I use organic coconut oil. If the suppositories are organic don't want to ruin that with a petroleum product. Aloe Vera gel is helpful also. Lay on your side with one leg extended and the other with the knee brought up towards your chest and insert the sucker. My wife enjoys the ritual...
  9. Robrich

    Stopping 6mp - when can i begin drinking alcohol again?

    Wait as long as you can. Alcohol really isn't good with Crohns. Keep it light. I've also heard that not drinking beer is helpful. Of course being Australian the above is not really possible is it? Good luck
  10. Robrich

    Remicade/ prednisone how to tell what is working?

    I take so many things it's hard to tell. But I believe so. Not a miracle cure or anything like that but I believe if you take enough things that help a little with little downside it adds up. I take 2 capsules in the morning and use the spice a lot in cooking, good in Soups, I use the whole root...
  11. Robrich

    Magnesium and diarrhea

    Most magnesium is a laxative. Citrate, oxide and others. There are 2 forms that are not laxative even though docs will say they all are Magnesium glyconate (Drs best brand) Magnesium maleate ( source naturals) Those are the ones I use. They are fully absorbed and don't end up in the gut like the...
  12. Robrich

    Remicade/ prednisone how to tell what is working?

    Hi Niki That's how it works. I was pred dependent for years and only after Remicade was I able to get off the pred. I never believed I could do that but the Remicade did such a good job healing my gut getting off the pred was a breeze. However it was a long slow process of tapering over several...
  13. Robrich

    Fistulas and snorkeling - ok to do? and Healing possibilities?

    Jimlanman I have had this disease 50 years seen dozens of doctors not one has ever told me to take probiotics even when I have been on antibiotics. They know drugs, get their education from big pharma and that's all you will get from them except for at best a shrug if you ask about anything...
  14. Robrich

    Speciality Hospital

    Mayo clinic perhaps. Have you tried biologics like Remicade or immune suppressants like AZA?
  15. Robrich

    Prednisone Help

    I suggest you follow the doctors orders. It will foster a better relationship . With such a short course it is ok to stop suddenly. Your doc probably wants you to avoid long term dependency. Worth a try. IF it doesn't work you will know right away and can go back on. Odds are it won't work but...
  16. Robrich

    What do these symptoms sound like

    Hi Ron it can cause pan anywhere. If you are otherwise healthy then Crohns is the first suspect in any mysterious health issues. I've had pan in my butt cheeks while experiencing a flare and or fistula activity. I attributed it to nerve sensitivity radiating from the fistula. Subsided after a...
  17. Robrich

    What do these symptoms sound like

    If you have a fistula or abscess that is the most likely cause. Could also be Crohns inflammation. BTW I don't believe one who has Crohns ALSO has IBS except in very rare cases. IBS is usually diagnosed when everything else is ruled out no? Aren't All the symptoms attributed to IBS also Crohns...
  18. Robrich

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    Hi Abbynormal. they both can heal fistulas. Remicade may be slightly more effective. Don't agree that they should wean you off either of those. That is not standard protocol. If they work you stay on them as there is often no going back and disease recurrence is more likely than not. The...
  19. Robrich

    Is Burkina Faso the new destination for FMT

    How the Western Diet Has Derailed Our Evolution Burgers and fries have nearly killed our ancestral microbiome. "A group of Italian microbiologists had compared the intestinal microbes of young villagers in...
  20. Robrich

    Fistulas and snorkeling - ok to do? and Healing possibilities?

    I think your biggest risk is bacteria in the water entering your blood through the fistula. Make sure you are not swimming in polluted water. As for the fistula healing, if humira hasn't helped yet it likely won't. To get my fistula to heal we added MTX TO ENTYVIO, along with antibiotics. I...