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  1. Robrich

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    They like do a pelvic MRI with contrast.
  2. Robrich

    How to treat Crohns with no symptoms?

    Imdan I can't really say about the stricture. Not sure if anything helps fix them just keeps them from getting worse. I assume that it is in your colon? Keep a close watch on it if it gets real bad you may need a resection. That's what happened to me long time ago before biologics. Good luck...
  3. Robrich

    How to treat Crohns with no symptoms?

    The early stages of Crohns with little to no symptoms is when diet can have the best chance to inDuce remission. SCD, AID, PALEO diets have helped a lot of people like you. Check out the threads here. Save the biologics, they don't work forever and when they fail the disease can be worse and...
  4. Robrich

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    It does take months to work and it isn't as strong a drug as Remicade. So it may not be enough for you as Remicade wasn't enough. I was on 40 mg pred. when I started entyvio. Also started methotrexate, took awhile but eventually lowered pred to 10 mg. had to increase entyvio to 4week intervals...
  5. Robrich

    Minor surgery and MTX/Remicade

    I think you have as good a grasp of it as the docs. It's still a guessing game. If indeed it is only about the scar and that is not an issue for her I wouldn't risk dropping the MTX. It's not just antibodies to worry about but also the Remicade losing the tnf battle and it no longer being...
  6. Robrich

    Starving to death

    How old is your Dad? Has he tried an elemental diet? It is pre digested nutrition that goes directly from the stomach to the blood and doesn't need the intestines to digest it. There are several formulas available. Can probably use in addition to the feeding line. Maybe after he is stabilized.
  7. Robrich


    Seuxin Miel seulement
  8. Robrich

    Healed fistula/fissures/abscesses

    Same for me The doc wanted to do an MRI before removing the seton .but since there had been no drainage for 2mos. And no swelling along with good labs, low ESR and WBC and I didn't want to deal with the mi she said well I can't find any reason not to take it out and she removed it right then...
  9. Robrich

    Success on Specific Carbohydrate Diet but....

    Instead of carbs she should indulge more in the heavy good fat foods. Butter, cheese,organic meats, eggs, avocados, almond butter nuts etc. They can be very satisfying. Lobster with drawn butter anyone? Steak and eggs? Cheese omelet! A satisfying breakfast helps hold back the cravings for much...
  10. Robrich

    2 Choices

    Highly suggest you add aza or MTX AS COMBO THERAPY to give yourself the best shot
  11. Robrich

    Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

    Lady 0 Try the SCD almond flour cookies made with honey just sub canna oil for the butter You can also just add the butter to your food like on grilled fish or veggies. THC has benefits for crohns and inflammation as well The Israeli studies focused On THC.
  12. Robrich

    Firmer stools heal fistula?

    It may be that the firmer stools are indicative of less inflammation in the colon which allows the fistula to heal and decreases the fistula activity. Definitely a good sign. Looser bowels may allow more material to enter the fistula and aggravate it. Try to continue with whatever you're doing...
  13. Robrich

    Hello/ new to the forum...

    Docs love humira. It's one of the most lucrative drugs in the world. They will swear by it forever working or not. They do get incentives for prescribing it. The drug companies have them totally brainwashed. Remicade is just as good if not better except for a slightly higher allergic reaction...
  14. Robrich

    Bow long for results?

    Depends on the tests. BW for me is usually 24-48 hours including CBC, CRP, sed rate and docs comments. Cal pro may take a few more days. Good luck
  15. Robrich

    Healed fistula/fissures/abscesses

    Yes Jabo you are quite correct. I have learned from very many years dealing with this disease and fistula If You ar able to get it under control stay with what works. If you stop doing what made you better there's a good chance the problem will come back. This disease doesn't go away it may...
  16. Robrich

    Healed fistula/fissures/abscesses

    Good for you Jabo. My experience somewhat similar, got the inflammation under control with entyvio, MTX, antibiotics and a strict paleo diet with bone broths. The fistula wouldn't heal, might close the on the outside for a few weeks, but then start again. Told my doc we needed a topical...
  17. Robrich

    Undiagnosed . . but have questions on blood work and stool tests.

    The WBC is quite high. I would discuss this in greater detail with your doc and try to nail down the likely cause of which there are many and it's usually not good. If he does have Cd this could indicate an abscess. Does he have night sweats, fever or feel "off"? Also noticed very low...
  18. Robrich

    Is this a Humira or Crohns problem ? (its a lengthy read)

    Hi Steph. What Essielv said is probably totally correct. If you are going to take biologics it's extremely important you take them regularly. If you stop and start again good chance they won't work . With this disease if something works hold on for dear life. BTW cannabis can help with nausea...
  19. Robrich

    Confused Newbie?

    Sounds like you need aggressive treatment to get your life back. The biologics are the best choice . Humira or remicade is a coin toss. I think remicade is slightly more effective but humira is less likely to cause an allergic reaction Also suggest you try combo therapy -an immune suppressant...
  20. Robrich

    New to the Forum!

    Hi BrigidDudz. You are among people who understand and sympathize with what you are going through. Hopefully the biologics will work well for you. Stress can be a big issue. Try to avoid it as much as possible and get plenty of good sleep, exercise and nutrition. Try to stick with a daily...