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  1. Kittee

    Question about appetite loss

    Hey Cheeky...its funny you posted this. I was cooking tonight some Udon soup and the spice packet in it smelled like chemicals to me and I wasn't able to eat any of it. It left my poor husband bewildered. The only thing I could tolerate was a bowl of cereal with soy milk. Sounds like my good...
  2. Kittee

    Craving for Food

    Wow! I've never heard of this stuff... Does it really work to put people in remission? I was reading on their website that it has a 79% success rate!
  3. Kittee

    Uh oh, am i in prednisone withdrawal?

    Yep I just went down to 2.5 yesterday and went to bed with a headache and woke up with it and have gone all day with it... see the pattern here? lol
  4. Kittee

    What a throne! Now there is a toilet seat we should all get! :lol:
  5. Kittee

    Remicade? Every 6 weeks or 8 weeks?

    I am on 8 weeks. Yes, I do get tired after mine. I normally take the whole day off of work. Usually I go shopping after my infusions. Its like my little 8 week treat. But last time, I pushed myself too hard, and the lady behind the register at Target almost called 911 on me. (I almost...
  6. Kittee

    This is going to sound nuts...

    hehe I really should. Do they just sell it at the drug store?
  7. Kittee

    This is going to sound nuts...

    I'll give it a shot. I"ve been doing the bathroom dash since 5am this morning. My bumbum is so RAW!
  8. Kittee

    I knew I wasn't crazy

    Welcome. You are not crazy. Unfortunately I think most of us have been there and gone through similar things. This disease is a life wrecker. Socially, professionally and even personally in our own homes.
  9. Kittee

    Prednisone Hunger

    I'm there too. I'm so pissed off right now at how much weight I am putting on and my mood swings. I' made another thread earlier telling the whole story. :ymad:
  10. Kittee

    This is going to sound nuts...

    Ok I can tell 100% that I'm about to flare again. I went down to .5 pred again 3 days ago, this is my 3rd attempt at trying to taper off 10mg. I even had to go back up to 15mg the last time. I've been on pred since early Dec. Obviously I need to get off pred. Now. Does it make sense, to...
  11. Kittee

    Remicade Issues

    No way would I try it again if you had cardiac arrest, pre-med'd or not! I think Humira may be your best bet. Holy gosh.
  12. Kittee

    Prednisone Hunger

    YEP. Sure enough. Usually when I am on low dosages though. Like NOW. I've put myself back on liquids for the most part though. I have to control this beast. I'm putting on weight.
  13. Kittee

    Treatment not working! What to do next?

    I also think you need a second opinion. Perhaps you should try seeing another DR. Is your GI guy/gal a Crohns specialist?
  14. Kittee

    New pain...oh joy

    Hmmm thanks Dan. I'm going to get through the day and see how it is tomorrow. If its still nagging, I'll know its something "not temporary" and schedule something with my DR. I mean if its an abscess it won't come out and rupture in one day right?
  15. Kittee

    New pain...oh joy

    Ok folks... Still trying to taper off pred here and I'm on my 2nd day down to .5 (my 3rd attempt mind you...) And I have this new pain in my lower left side. I woke up with it and it's not getting better after going to the rest room 2x. If it was on my right side I'd say it kinda felt like...
  16. Kittee

    Night Sweats?

    Yes, I have had this Really bad before. Pred does it to me. I've soaked my sheets through and had to sleep on a towel some nights. It should pass in time. :)
  17. Kittee

    I think Remicade is failing...

    Well, here I am just a few weeks after my last remicade infusion...I've been on Pred since Dec, and I went down to 5mg last week and I'm going into full flare again. I can tell because the past 3 nights I've passed out at 9pm, dead tired. And I've been feeling dizzy and weak again going on...
  18. Kittee

    Alternatives to Pred

    Pred works for me as well. I love it on about 30mgs. I have so much energy! But for me, when I'm at 10 (which I'm at now) I'm sleepy and hungry. =P LOL
  19. Kittee

    Hey Ya'll

    Thanks Dan! Krom- Yes! I know what you mean, I got a cold on Monday, saw the doctor yesterday because my throat (the front part not inside) was hurting. Turned out to be a tonsil/node that was huge! Anyways yah, I'm sitting at my desk "cough cough cough" "snot snot snot" ! I hate having a...
  20. Kittee

    Hey Ya'll

    Just checking in with everyone! How are y'all doing? I'm still on my pred taper, I'm down to 10mg now though. I'm fat as a cow but no stomach pain to complain of. Hubby and I are house hunting, pretty exciting and I cannot wait for spring! :)