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  1. Kittee

    The FLU and Humira

    Let me tell you what not to catch while on Humira and some prednisone... THE FLU. I even had the shot, and of course it wasn't effective for me. I'm on day 3 of absolute hell. I haven't been this sick since I was a kid. I am practically bed ridden. Guess I'm just happy to not be in the...
  2. Kittee


    As you know they don't want us to take Advil etc... and regular Tylenol does nothing... I get migraines and I have terrible plantar faciitus not to mention the gut pains we get. Regular nacrotics make me sicker than a dog, like head ache puking sick so this is the first pain killer I have taken...
  3. Kittee


    See! That's how my doctor described it to me!
  4. Kittee


    How serious of a pain killer is this? I know this is going to sound funny but I was watching Supernatural and the main character made a joke about 'comfortably numb" in reference to Tramadol... Am I missing out on something here? Haha I take it probably once a day every other day or so and I...
  5. Kittee

    How long until it kicks in?

    Hey guys, I finally got on humira and I had my first round about a week and a half ago. I did the 4 injections... OUCH I'm still on 10mg pred so I'm not sure if the Humira is working yet. Any experience with that?
  6. Kittee

    Update: Can't be Crohn's because of constipation?

    Same. And usually cycle between the two.
  7. Kittee

    Worst flare yet

    Hi guys, It's been awhile but I am currently fighting my worst flare yet. I even ended up in the hospital a couple weeks ago. Waiting to get on humira now. Anyways, I.can't believe how wiped out I am. I'm even pooping a bit of blood for the first time ever. I feel so drained and my gut...
  8. Kittee


    Everything was fine until I upped the dosage. I just get shakey feeling. Like having too much caffiene. I'll try eating it with food.
  9. Kittee


    I started taking this last Sunday with just one tab in the AM. Last night I started the 2nd tab in the evening. I feel horrible today after taking my morning dose. I feel like I'm low on sugar or something, just kinda nauseous and shakey. Is this normal?
  10. Kittee

    Blue Cross is trying to screw me.

    They did not used to be this bad. I hate to say it... Could it be that Obama care thing? I don't know because I haven't been following it. But something seems to have changed. And heavens yes. We pay a TON for insurance.
  11. Kittee

    Blue Cross is trying to screw me.

    Thanks everyone. I'm certainly going to go up the appeal chain as far as I can go. I can't believe this.
  12. Kittee

    Blue Cross is trying to screw me.

    A few months ago I got a letter stating that Blue Cross was denying my claim for "Lab Service" and that my doctor was appealing the decision for me. I even called them and tried to get more info and they told me not to worry that my doctor was handling it etc I would get a letter. Well I got...
  13. Kittee

    Help! - Constant LIQUID lava!!

    Flowing out my butt! I have no appetite, NONE. I haven't really eaten more than some toast in the past two days. I'm trying to drink water/liquids and I just made the mistake of drinking a rocket powered Ensure, at least I think that's what it was with the force of it projecting right back out...
  14. Kittee


    Thank you folks! I ended up taking a zofran and getting down some apple e sauce. Then I took an ibuprofen and slept until am. I had a lovely hang over type migraine but otherwise felt better today.
  15. Kittee


    I am so sick to my stomach after my colonoscopy. And I have a horrible headache...what can I do? Omg soooooo sick Help please, should I go to the er?
  16. Kittee

    Help! Super nauseous after colonoscopy

    I am so sick to my stomach after my colonoscopy. And I have a horrible headache...what can I do? Omg soooooo sick
  17. Kittee

    To all the women

    I just ate a whole pint of ice cream. LOL
  18. Kittee

    Sore on the outside and feels like there are razor blades churning in there...

    Prednisone all around folks... they put me back on it.
  19. Kittee

    What foods do you tolerate well?

    I know this is stupid but McDonalds. I don't know why.