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  1. Kittee

    Sore on the outside and feels like there are razor blades churning in there...

    Oh well :) Doctor is out today anyways. Looks like I'm in for a wait.
  2. Kittee

    Sore on the outside and feels like there are razor blades churning in there...

    I don't know how concerned I am. I'm more annoyed? I guess that means I"m not too concerned. lol
  3. Kittee

    Sore on the outside and feels like there are razor blades churning in there...

    Yeah I'm going to take a guess and say that the Entocort isn't working? :ywow: I don't remember from my last flare the outside of my stomach being sore. I can't even lay down on my stomach to sleep right now it's so painful. Anyone else experience that before? Should I be more concerned than...
  4. Kittee

    What the heck do I eat?

    I've cut out most gluten and that really seems to help the pain a lot but the last two days, ANYTHING bothers me. And I can't keep myself off the toilet either. 8( I guess this is just a vent. I'm sorry, I haven't flared in 3 years and it seems my memory of how it was last time has faded.
  5. Kittee

    Prednisone how fast does it work?

    Pred works almost immediately for me. :) The side effects are a pain tho.
  6. Kittee

    Gluten free. Yay or nay?

    I just went gluten free and now I'm going dairy free. It's working great for pain control. High gluten products hurt me something fierce and dairy (especially cheeses) make me so nauseous. I don't go crazy with it, like looking for every hidden speck of it in foods but I do stay away from...
  7. Kittee

    So Now I'm Just Crazy

    Maybe it's in your mouth at the moment? I know mine likes to pop up there and in my throat from time to time. I just came out of remission a few months ago and I was put on Entocort 2 weeks ago. Entocort really helped my joint pain (Not supposed to but it really did!) My gut issues tho are...
  8. Kittee

    Crohns in my eyes?

    Oh interesting. Well I find out today what they say about it. :)
  9. Kittee

    Crohns in my eyes?

    That was a new one.... I'm going to an ophthalmologist tomorrow for testing. Apparently Crohns inflammation can migrate into your eyes. Is research/findings on this something new? Or just new to me? :)
  10. Kittee

    On Entocort now for 4 days.

    Honestly I feel better. I thought it would take longer to kick in, but it seems to be working? Another wonderful thing is that even my joints aren't hurting so much now. I know this drug is supposed to only target the small bowel but it seems to be working everywhere?
  11. Kittee

    Started Endocort today. (And service dog?)

    Thanks folks. Yes, I just need to convince my husband that a dog / cat is a good idea. And Pred makes me feel like a superhero too. lol I hope Endocort helps me feel a little more energized.
  12. Kittee

    Started Endocort today. (And service dog?)

    I thought maybe a dog could help keep me calm (stress exacerbates my symptoms .) Bummer - 1 month?
  13. Kittee

    Started Endocort today. (And service dog?)

    I know this is a popular routine that doctors have put people on but I've never been on anything but Pred and Remicade. What was your experience with it? Also- has anyone looked into getting a service dog?
  14. Kittee

    Apparently I can no longer eat corn.

    Yes, last two times it's given me horrible flare pain. =(
  15. Kittee

    Apparently I can no longer eat corn.

    So sad. =( Fresh corn on the cob in summer time was one of my favorites.
  16. Kittee

    I need some honesty

    This post makes me pretty sad. Crohns is very expensive unless you are very well insured. Even then, you still have deductibles to meet. As far as sex goes? Depends on how you're feeling. Do you like having sex when it feels like you swallowed glass?
  17. Kittee

    Going back into the doctor on the 23rd ...

    First time in nearly 3 years. 8( Hope I can make it that long. Today has really sucked. I'm almost doubling over in random pains. 8(
  18. Kittee

    New to Crohn's and wondering what this awful pain is!

    That pain sounds pretty normal from what I've experienced during really bad flares. *hugs*
  19. Kittee

    100% success in trial treating IBD with the SCD Diet

    This is all very confusing.