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  1. Kittee

    Can Crohn's cause Sinus Problems?

    I bet its an inflammation issue. Your body is attacking it self in place, why not another?
  2. Kittee

    The Dreaded Company Pot-luck

    On a side note...Hummus and pita is like a favorite of mine LOL.
  3. Kittee

    The Dreaded Company Pot-luck

    well what you can do is fix a plate with a few things on it, just mouth it and carefully spit it out in a napkin, or just make it look like your eating it, then toss the plate away when no one is looking. :)
  4. Kittee

    HELP!....I can't LOSE weight~

    I need to join your club. I'm not bleeding that I know of, but I sure can't lose weight. I was told yesterday that Slimfast works for "liquid" portion of my diet. So perhaps you could try something like that?
  5. Kittee

    Horrible dim ache in left side

    Kari- I am not a doctor, but what you are describing sounds like a stricture pain to me. At least that's how I feel when mine is acting up. I can also feel it every time I goto the restroom. The freezing cold- hot thing, are you on Pred? I'm usually freezing off pred, and when I'm on it, I'm...
  6. Kittee

    Flare Up Time

    <------------------ YES. YES. YES. My next infusion is in April and they are giving me a double dose. 10mg instead of 5.
  7. Kittee

    Can Crohn's cause Sinus Problems?

    Cheeky I'm not sure, but when I'm flaring (like right now) food tastes off to me and somethings smell so bad that I cannot eat them. I'll get halfway through cooking dinner for example and just the smell of the food will turn me off. I think that anything sinus related can do this.
  8. Kittee

    I am starting an experiment.

    Yes Kello- Your FACE! LOL J/k. I agree with MRae, your picture is 2000 words. :) thanks for being such a positive influence around here.
  9. Kittee

    Mouth Ulcers?

    Well this morning the ulcers have shifted to the front of my mouth, and are currently between my bottom front teeth and my gum. Talk about hurt. They are on that little ridge that is in the center of the inside of your bottom lip. OWWIE
  10. Kittee

    Dr appt and new symptom

    *hugs* I hope you get this sorted out soon.
  11. Kittee

    I am starting an experiment.

    Thanks guys. MBH- I think your right about oatmeal. I should have thought of that. I also love Slimfast. Iwill toss that into the mix as well. The Ensure I hadd for dinner was good tho! Btw my blog is up! You can click on the link in my siggy.
  12. Kittee

    Modulen Diet for Crohns

    Colin thats great news!
  13. Kittee

    Nausea....OH NICE. >=(

    Tell you what else sucks. Joint pain. Coming off Pred my joints ALWAYS hurt. I don't know if it's because the inflammation is always there and Pred knocks it when I get off it, it all rushes back in...or if the Remicade is causing it or what. Last time it was in my hips. This time...
  14. Kittee

    I am starting an experiment.

    Thanks Kello! =) Btw I've always loved your avatar. It cheers me up!
  15. Kittee

    I am starting an experiment.

    Starting soon...I am going to try a liquid/soft diet. I am going to shoot for 2 weeks at first and if that goes well, try for 4. My primary foods will be: Boost Ensure Herbalife Shakes Chicken Noodle Soup Beef noodle Soup Jello Jello Pudding Oatmeal I am also going to create a blog to...
  16. Kittee

    My boyfriend with crohn's low sex drive?

    I can tell you from a girls point of view that I know how your BF feels. I think Crohns just does something to us that makes not in the mood often. I feel guilty about it because of my husband too.
  17. Kittee

    Nausea....OH NICE. >=(

    Hey guys thanks for checking in on me. Some of this is pred withdrawl. I've been off of it a week now though and at least the headaches seem to be going away. I still get intermittent nausea. I got it today and I specifically avoided dairy. So now who knows. Just my Crohns being a pain in the...
  18. Kittee

    Mouth Ulcers?

    Thank you pen!
  19. Kittee

    Mouth Ulcers?

    Thanks Pen. I may have to sched an appoint with my DR if it doesn't improve soon. I'll gargle with warm salt water tonight.
  20. Kittee

    Modulen Diet for Crohns

    Thanks Nat! I guess I should check out the elemental one then. I just don't want to be on Pred/REmicade forever.