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  1. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Undoubtedly so Mandy, Hugs Ron.
  2. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Not true girls. For seventeen years all those crazy doctors have been trying to kill me. It is only the sane influence of you guys that has saved me or as carol said we all need a handful of nuts every day. Ron.
  3. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    I am glad to hear it Doug , no eye problems and lowering bg is good. Way to go. Ron saw my endo chronologist yesterday. No good news he does not know why my testosterone is low and he really is not sure if hormone shots are the way to go. He has warned me that if I go that road , two more...
  4. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Good luck with the eyes Doug, they are the area that worries me the most. What concerns me is how long we have been insulin resistant before we were finally dxed with type two and how much damage has high blood insulin been causing in that time. I seem to have some problems like hammer toes and...
  5. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Thanks Catherine I take magnesium and d3 as well as fishoil. I take the magnesium mainly for cramps of a night. I get some really bad ones. I suspect it is as a result of the frusemide diurectic that I take for oedema and some of the meds that leach some of the minerals. One glimmer of hope is...
  6. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Good question Doug. What do you eat and take. As Catherine mentioned metformin has been linked to neuropathy which I have. It has long been considered a drug of interest in stopping colon cancer recurrence. I am nearly at the end of year 17 ex stage 3c colon cancer. I have nephrotic syndrome of...
  7. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    sorry to hear it Doug. I guess that metabolic syndrome is about as good a description for what we have as any. It seems that we are all facing similar breakdowns in our Gi and endocrine systems. We must have been a wicked mob of dudes and dudettes in a previous life. Sometimes in down moments I...
  8. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    I have heard about the link with metformin and neuropathy. My neuropathy was dxed as moderate to severe by a neurologist some years ago. He was aware that I was on metformin and that I had well controlled type two diabetes. He refused to speculate on what was causing the neuropathy and said...
  9. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Hi Catherine, it is funny ,but none of my doctors including my nephrologist worry about my diabetes. My history blood counts have for years been 7 or just under. My doctors know I am compliant. I take my 1000 mg of metformin every day without fail and I live by the glycemic index . If ever I eat...
  10. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    G'day CSG Good luck with the type two. Not ideal but it seems to be manageable if you stick to doing the right things by yourself Hugs. Ron. Hi Catherine I hope things level out for you, sometimes it feels like we are living in a yo yo. My BG is all over the place and my BP is...
  11. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Hi Jodi, Giant cyber hug. I am sorry that you have had to go and continue to go thru so much. You started so young . You just never seem to catch a break with this disease. My brother has had proctitis and ulcerative colitis for close to fifty years. He is one of the rare and lucky...
  12. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    If I don't use the cpap they are going to take my licence off me and not let me drive. I go to the sleep clinic tomorrow night to get it sorted out as to what mask and what pressure I need. I also see my nephrologist tomorrow. I am still taking cyclosporine for nephrotic syndrome, It does not...
  13. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    Got the results of my sleep tests today. Normal sleep , mild to medium sleep apnea. REM sleep severe sleep apnea. They are recommending a cpap machine. I will spend another night at the sleep clinic to see what mask best suits me and the settings for the machine then they write out a script for...
  14. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    It amazes me that a few letters after your name makes your time so much more valuable that that of sick people. It does not matter if you are a sick nuclear physicist you still have to wait for the doctor. What a pity it would be if we all got well. they would all be in the poor house. But there...
  15. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    It is a shame we did not meet years ago. The bile salt malabsorption is a result of the gall bladder surgery. Ten percent of people who have their gall bladder removed suffer from bile salt mal absorption. Cholestramine ( mine goes under the heading of questran lite) is an old cholesterol...
  16. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    Hugs Mate, I got thru the sleep study. It was a blessing in disguise . WE had 35c that night and a wild storm so for once I got to sleep in airconditioned comfort. Not that having around forty leads attached to you is comfort. I now have to wait three weeks to get results. I am sorry you...
  17. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    I know exactly what you mean Liz. I was lucky enough to have Friday off so I put the boast in and went fishing. It was a very hot day and by one thirty I was totally had it. It is Sunday afternoon now and I am still wondering if it was worth it. To add to my problems I was watching tv on Friday...
  18. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    I am having another sleep study on Monday night. I had one several years ago the results were that I don't stop breathing , I just stop absorbing oxygen, No suggestions were made at that stage for further investigation. Now I wake in panic at night. I can breathe ok I just don't get any results...
  19. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    My gp and nephrologist work togeather all the time, my rheumatologist does not care , He once did an mri on me that showed grade two ankylosing spondylitis. Not my field he said see a back specialist my neurologist was ,is no better. Ron.PS every AS group I have been on have said that AS needs...
  20. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    We do get by Ann . And it is sites like this that give us that leg up when we need it. Pain and suffering is relative , the person who has just one auto-immune problem is suffering just as badly as one who has twenty. And we are in the position to be kind and supportive to both. Support groups...