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  1. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    Unfortunately Ann that is a yes. I have had three biopsies that tell my neph nothing . I went thru a rough patch with kidney stones some years back. They were only little uric acid stones but they are SHARP and they take the smile off my face when passing. And the blood in my urine usually leads...
  2. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    Thanks Liz, I went from 20/10 to thirty fifteen today. He also gave me some standard oxy tablets to use when I get breakthrough pain. I am to take notes on how much straight oxy I take and when and what for so that he can try and formulate a medication plan for me. He does not want me to...
  3. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    I have a very practical nephrologist. He has done three kidney biopsies on me . They are very unpleasant. He has no worthwhile results from them. They show I have a problem but it does not relate to any known kidney disease. He has stated clearly that there will be no more biopsies. I have...
  4. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    What dose are you on Liz? My gp is aiming to get me thru the twelve hours without breakthrough pain. It worked for a short time but he is pretty sure I will need to double my current dose of 20/10 twice a day before I achieve that goal. Before I went on this drug I was terrified of opiate pain...
  5. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    Hi Ann, I am on a new opiate pill called targin . It is a combination of oxycodone and naloxone which is an opiate antagonist. My nephrologist told me that it is nigh on impossible to get high on targin because of the naloxone. I am on 20mg/10mg twice a day. I am due for a rise probably...
  6. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Hi Lisbeth. Have been having blood pressure issues . For a month I have been hovering in the 190/120 range. We think it is from pain flares from psoriatic arthritis and spondylitis. My doc upped my targin dose and for the two days since I have been 120/80. The cyclosporine has made my gums grow...
  7. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Hi Everyone, I wonder how the healthy people are going. I guess we will never know. I wish I could wave a magic wand and take away all of our pain and suffering. If I were to put anything at the top of my list of problems it would have to be the pain. I can put up with the bathroom issues ,the...
  8. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Hi, Had a bad week ,doc tried me on fentanyl patches for back pain. Gave me really bad nightmares. have a history of poor reaction to opiates , couldn't have morphine for pain relief after my cancer op. Fentanyl and winter have stirred up my asthma . I'm on two puffs of the symbicort 400...
  9. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    Have just finished day 15 of the fentanyl patches. Yes I have had some pain relief but I have also been on a rollercoaster of emotions including some of the worst dreams I have ever had. The problem with the patches is they don't seem to stick very well. You can't shave the area you apply it to...
  10. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    I was sent to the podiatrist for a diabetes foot check and to see why I am walking on the outside of my right heel . I took along an mri showing the spondylitis damage to my lower spine. The podiatrist told me straight out that there was nothing she could do . My feet are ok at the moment but no...
  11. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    Saw my nephrologist yesterday. Three months ago when I started on cyclosporine my protein loss was around 7 grams a day. My response to cyclosporine has been excellent and I have already dropped to around 2 grams loss a day. I spoke to him about my liver function results and he agrees that I...
  12. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    My Spondylitis was dxed by my rheumatologist. I had an Mri which showed a mess at the base of my spine. He muttered something about lars fractures and displacement and nerve entrapment on one side. I asked what I should do for it and he said see an orthopaedic specialist. I cannot afford the...
  13. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    Hi Carrol,my dad used to spend days in bed when he could not lift his head off the pillow. He described it as being seasick on dry land. I live alone and when I had my first attack I thought I was dying. When the ambulance arrived I was on the floor in the toilet. They asked me if it was self...
  14. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    Hi Lodge lady flu really seems to knock us around . Until they came up with the asthma dx when I was in hospital with the last lu in November last year I and the docs thought it was pulmonary edeema causing the wheezing. Now I am on symbicort every morning and I use ventolin thru a spacer at...
  15. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    Hi all, I have always suffered from "he is big and strong ,can't be much wrong with him". Un fortunately a lot of symptoms have been glossed over by medicos and several early bouts of peptic and duodenal ulcers were put down to lifestyle. Hmmm must be a heavy drinker. Didn't drink. All...
  16. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Well after two months of cyclosporine the verdict is in. My protein loss has halved. There was some other news that may or may not be good news. For years my liver function tests always come back with quite a few readings in the red. Since cyclosporine they are all in the black. It appears that...
  17. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    My sugars have settled at a new higher range from 8-10 (120-180) thanks to a combination of symbicort and cyclosporine. I don't know yet if the cyclosporine is working but he has it at the level that he wants it. I will have a test early next month. It is making me very tired. I went and had a...
  18. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Another two weeks and another change of dose. 200 mg a day was to much so I have been dropped to 150 mg. I am getting very tired and my tinnitus is getting much worse. I seem to be in pain all the time so my gp has added Cymbalta to the mix. Whilst this is happening my blood sugar levels have...
  19. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    No way I will ever take pred again ,I was on 75mg a day for nearly 18mos plus a taper. it is basically the reason I now have type two diabetes. I had 48 doses of chemo, years of methotrexate off and on but pred was the worst drug I have ever been on bar none. I am on symbicort now for asthma but...
  20. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Hugs Liz, the very nature of what we on this board suffer makes us mighty tough and more that a little resilient. Just remember to breathe when your head is above the water. Ron. PS. My Nephrologist is being very aggressive with me . I survived 100mg a day of cyclosporine for two weeks ,so now I...