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  1. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    That's no worries Mike. I had stage three colon cancer. When they have your colon out on the table the membrane dries out and the rest of your life you suffer the joys of adhesions. I tend to fear constipation more than diarrheah. From bitter experience it is easier to stop one than restart the...
  2. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    It is a bit like walking a tightrope. None of us here appear to have a single problem , we all qualify as syndrome sufferers. With all the meds we have to take I am surprised that we are not in a flare of something all the time. I started cyclosporine on the 6th of Jan . I am going for my first...
  3. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Sorry to hear of your problems Liz. It seems our common cry is "what now?" I haven't started cyclosporine yet . I have been having some problems with an abscess in my mouth. It is the wrong time of the year to see doctors or dentists ect. My neph gets back to work early Jan so if the abscess...
  4. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Well I finally had my scope. NO CANCER only one small polyp removed. No other problems in there. The same can't be said for my kidneys. I am now leaking around 5 grams of protein a day. My sugars are not to bad considering I am using symbicort every morning. Unfortunately I have to start...
  5. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    I saw my gp again during the week. He had a result of swabs they took at the hospital . It was parainfluenza. Apparently most common in children. (I live alone, go figure). The flu shot does not work on it nor have they been able to make a vaccine for it. Some kids barely know they have it but...
  6. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Scope may not happen . I have developed a flu ,they think it is type A . I went to my gp he is very thorough. He gave me three anti-biots but he also sent me for a chest x-ray and bloods. I have been in hospital for most of the week , got out yesterday. The bloods came back positive for troponin...
  7. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    I go in on the 29 th. It is first time I have been out to three yearly scopes since I had colon cancer. I am a bit nervous as I have had polyps with pre cancerous changes at twelve months. If it is clear I will be very relieved. Ron.
  8. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Had a funny feeling so I rang my gastro. She has changed practices and had been trying to get in touch with me. I'm booked in for a scope in October. I don't go too well taking the prep so they put me in hospital for the escape possible!!! Blood sugars will definitely take a dive...
  9. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    I am on 500gms of metformin morning and night. I have been notorious since chemo therapy for getting bad reactions to most drugs. I'm happy to say it has been no worries with metformin . I don't test every day ,usually every second week and get an average. The week before last it was 5.8 which...
  10. R

    For the Aussies

    I have seen the neurologist twice, second time was for a nerve conductivity test. The results are depressing . He recorded poor conductivity in my right foot and leg and none in my left. He said I have permanent moderate to severe peripheral neuropathy. He does not know what the cause is and he...
  11. R

    MLS and her cancer journey

    Hi MLS your poor body has undergone tremendous trauma , take all the time you need to recovery fully and get your strength back before you try to return to a normal life. I remember rushing things after colon surgery and it set back my recovery. Had I spent another week in hospital I would have...
  12. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    I saw a neurologist a few months back. I gave him my full medical history including being dxed with type 2 diabetes after being on 75 mg daily of prednisone for 18 mos. He scheduled nerve conductivity tests and yesterday I finally got in for my tests. I had some done years ago and I remember...
  13. R

    MLS and her cancer journey

    Hi MLS my best wishes for your surgery and speedy recovery. I was dxed with stage three colon ca with a very poor prognosis. They gave me three to five years but they really don't know. That was only statistics and statistics vary. I have been ca free now for over fifteen years, wishing you the...
  14. R

    Interview with Dr. Hal Gunn, the Founding CEO of Qu Biologics and Developer of "Site Specific Immunomodulation" (SSI)

    In 1998 I had chemotherapy for stage 3 colon cancer. The primary agent was 5 flurouricil and it was enhanced with a drug called levamisole. It was mainly used in veterinary work as an anti-parasitic. It is an immunomodulator. It was banned around 2000 because of side effects some fatal . For...
  15. R

    Terrible that dr's are still diagnosing IBS..

    I don't think that doctors relate to the concept of pain. What we go thru is not like stubbing your toe or getting an occasional headache. I have had acute pancreatic and gallstones. I have had at least five bouts of kidney stones. I have had three kidney biopsies with only local anesthetic. I...
  16. R

    Terrible that dr's are still diagnosing IBS..

    I hurt,,,,,Your name says it all for me, Even my hair hurts at the moment. I came home from work early today,I just could not cross the pain barrier. I was one of those dxed with ibs. When I was dxed with stage 3 bowel ca my doctor actually said,"with your history of ibs I should have had you in...
  17. R

    Risk of cancer with Crohns

    I am still in the undiagnosed group. I have been dxed with ibs most of my life and have on at least 5 occasions been dxed with ulcerative conditions of the gi tract, mainly stomach and duodenum. I have had acute pancreatitis and lost my gallbladder. My brother has been treated for ulcerative...
  18. R


    If I take a 4gram sachet of a morning , every morning , I am fine. If I miss one I am back to diahorreah the next day. When that has happened I don't increase the dose. I just take the same dose and in three to four days I am good again.. Ron.
  19. R


    I had a lot of exploratory work done on my gallbladder all to no avail. I was told it was fine and there were no signs of any stones. They should have taken more notice of my history. I had endoscopies on two separate occasions that showed acute ulcerative doudenitis. I should not have taken an...
  20. R

    For the Aussies

    Went fishing for a week up to Baffle creek. remembered all my meds except the questran lite. After two days I was back in to full on diahorreah. Good fun using a bucket in a rocking boat. Saw my rheumatologist when I got back, I told him I had stopped injecting mtx because of a massive flare in...