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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. sickranchero

    Ostomy Takedown in a Week

    I'm excited, I get my ileostomy reversal in a week and start using my jpouch! It has been 3 months since my first surgery. I have my pre-op next Monday. It looks like I will only be in the hospital 1-2 days this time.
  2. sickranchero

    An Update

    Hello everyone, It has been a while since I have posted about me. A quick fill in about my situation before I start with the new stuff. To make a long story short, in Jan 1994 I was diagnosed with Crohns at age 10. I got into remission quickly and stayed in it for 10 years using...
  3. sickranchero

    Starting Humira Question

    Hey all, I had a question about starting Humira. I have been on Remicade for the past 2 years, and now my GI is having me switch to Humira. When I asked when I should make the switch, he said when I start feeling the effects of the Remicade wearing off, so I won't have both medicines in my...
  4. sickranchero

    Possible Treatment

    Hey all, I haven't been on here in a little while, been busy with college. I'm still dealing with my crohns, but it's tollerable. I have been riding the prednisone roller coaster for quite some time now, and I am off it but on a similar medicine called Entocort. In addition to that I'm taking...
  5. sickranchero

    Hi, I'm New

    Hi all, I found out this forum and have been checking it out. Anyways, I have crohn's, for quite a while actually. I thought I would tell my story. I am 24 now, finishing up my college, one more year! I was diagnosed with crohn's when I was 10 years old. It happened during Christmas, I had...