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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. K

    Skyrizi and surgery...

    I am currently getting Skyrizi infusions and am in between the second and third dose. Third dose is due in two weeks, but I am going to be scheduled for shoulder surgery (rotator cuff) sometime in the next 4-5 weeks. I am getting conflicting information about stopping the skyrizi for one cycle...
  2. K

    Immunoglobulin infusions for Crohn's (IVig)

    I've been a member for a long time, but have not posted much. Have any of you ever been on Immunoglobulin infusions for Crohn's disease ? If so, do you know what the infusion dose whas/is and how often you got the infusion ? Also, has it helped you at all. My doctor started me on the infusions...