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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    Managing Crohn's naturally - my experience

    Hey, I am writing this post to share my personal experience of managing Crohn's for 2 years and 4 months without medications. It's important to note that Crohn's disease severity, presentation, subtype, and the way it reacts is subject to many-many individual variations. So nothing I share...
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    Major cause of IBD found?

    Media coverage: Seems like this is the actual study behind it: What makes it quite strange, is the authors do not seem to...
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    Therapeutic drug monitoring in anti-TNFs?

    So I am a HLA-DQA1*05 carrier (a gene mutation present in around 30% of Europeans, and quite substantial in the Western world in general) and have read in many recent studies that unless something called "therapeutic drug monitoring" and "proactive drug optimisation" is used, the risk of...
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    EEN makes things worse - any advice?

    Hi! Some of you know my journey and struggles already, but I thought I make a clear post about it, in the hopes of someone being able to offer guidance, or professional I could turn to. 28 year old male, diagnosed with ileal Crohn's 2022 December, at that point colonoscopy findings as well as...
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    Liquid stools / diarrhea on EEN - normal?

    Hi! I have been trying different polymeric enteral nutrition formulas in the past, and unfortunately all of them have given me cramps, pain, and (often explosive) diarrhea as well as increased my calpro. These were typically milk protein based formulas. Afterwards I was able to find a restricted...
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    EEN support and advice needed

    Hi Everyone! TLDR: I have ileal CD but do not seem to be able to tolerate the EEN formulas available in Europe, and would like to give Kate Farms a chance, but they do not ship to Europe. I would like to ask if someone in the US could help me - either by recommending a company to whom I could...