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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. A

    Big Specialist Appointment Anxiety

    Hey everyone, so I finally have my long awaited Crohn's specialist appointment next week and I'm pretty terrified. Had a really bad experience with the guy who diagnosed me. He later refused to treat me. Or rather said he said I would be fine without medication and I continued to get sick and he...
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    Superstition and Anxiety

    Hey, I have a random question, been meaning to bring it up. So in January 2023, I was on my way to work, was TOTALLY fine ahead of time, but my Crohn's kicked in and I got sick. To this day, I will not go to the intersection I got sick in. I'm too afraid of it happening again. However, since...
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    My History

    Hello, this is my first post on the forums and I just wanted to put out my nightmare of a story, I feel the need to open up about my ordeal but before I go on, I want to thank the forums in advance for giving me this opportunity to have an outlet. Setting the stage, I am 35, male. So on July...