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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. C


    Hi David, Thanks for your kind words - all very much appreciated at his time! Feel free to ask as many questions as you like. If any of the answers can lead to enlightenment that's all to the good. I'm not sure if the colonoscopy viewed all or any of the terminal ileum but I'll find that...
  2. C


    Thanks for the welcome AB-much appreciated! I'll check out the forum thread you suggest and I'll keep you updated on how my boy gets on. Thanks again, Ian
  3. C


    My son has just turned 15. For the last 10 weeks he has been suffering from symptoms which correlate to crohns. He woke up one morning and said that he didn't feel well. He complained of feeling sick with stomach pains on the left side. Not being one to complain we took these symptoms seriously...