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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Ghostwind

    Anyone else had gallbladder removed?

    Had my gall bladder out in 2005. They almost refused to remove it because it wasn't "showing gallstones" or giving any readings that something was wrong. When I saw a specialist, he told me that if it looks like duck, sounds like a duck, then it's a bad gall bladder and needed removed. Turns out...
  2. Ghostwind

    Anyone else from Ohio?

    I live in Indiana but sometimes wind up in Columbus for Origins (a gaming convention).
  3. Ghostwind

    I'm now in remission apparently

    I had my colonoscopy last week and the doctor informed me that I'm in remission. He now thinks the problems I am still having are medicine related although now he is having me do the camera pill test to see if something is up with the small bowel. At least my pain has been reduced to a minor...
  4. Ghostwind

    Heartburn & Crohn's

    My GI mentioned that it's not unusual for Crohn's and acid reflux to go hand in hand.
  5. Ghostwind

    Americans with Disabilities

    Good news indeed. :)
  6. Ghostwind

    Bad Mornings

    Mornings are rough for certain. It takes a few hours for the nausea to go away. I'm usually okay during the afternoons and then things start to crank back up by bedtime.
  7. Ghostwind

    What exactly is meant by a "flare-up"?

    For me, a flare up equates the pain, diarrhea, nausea and general not feeling good that the medicines fail to offset. Everyone has their own definition because the disease is so individualized.
  8. Ghostwind

    Todays tests

    Congratulations! Glad to hear that at least one member is doing better. :)
  9. Ghostwind

    CT Colonography?

    I've got a CT enterography scheduled for next week and another colonoscopy next month. Oh joy.
  10. Ghostwind

    Do you ever feel like you got hit by a truck?

    Yes. I've been having a very hard time with it lately. I keep hoping it will get better.
  11. Ghostwind

    Remicade and skin rash

    Remicade causes my skin to become really dry to the point where it flakes like a sunburn. I use Lac-Hydrin lotion to counter it.
  12. Ghostwind

    Remicade still working?

    I'm on 7.5mL/kg every six weeks. I was on eight weeks but then it stopped working. I've been on Remicade for a year now. I"m hoping that it works or else I'm going to be talking to the GI doc on Nov. 3rd about switching to Tysabri.
  13. Ghostwind

    What Food makes your pain worse?

    I suffer from the randomness factor also, but I've noticed that pizza, pasta in tomato sauce, salsa, and corn are definitely my bane.
  14. Ghostwind

    In your opinion, what caused your crohn's disease? New study that talks about a possible source for Crohn's.
  15. Ghostwind

    Remicade just ceasing to work?

    He just moved me to six weeks. He wants to see how I respond to it at 6 weeks before moving up the dosage. I see him again on Nov. 3rd so we'll see.
  16. Ghostwind

    In your opinion, what caused your crohn's disease?

    1. April, 2006 2. 40 (geez, I feel old compared to the rest of you) 3. Male 4. Indiana, USA 5. Symptoms have been an ongoing process for years, just never had a doctor smart enough to recognize the symptoms. 6. Genetics
  17. Ghostwind


    Are you on Pentasa? I had whitish colored stools at times when I was on Pentasa.
  18. Ghostwind

    Remicade just ceasing to work?

    I'm on 7.5mg/kg. The doctor doesn't want to go to 10 just yet.
  19. Ghostwind

    WOW! I'm Lost

    Everyone is different as to what they can and can't eat. I suggest starting with bland foods and working your way up from there. On the other end of the spectrum you get folks like me, who just can't get it through their thick skull not to eat certain foods (like Taco Bell) no matter what. :)
  20. Ghostwind

    Help!! I've just been diagnosed with Crohn's

    Welcome to the forum. The best advice I can give you to be certain you are telling your doctor everything. Don't try to minimize the symptoms. The only way he can help treat you is if he knows everything you are going through.