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  1. J

    Itching at IV site

    No redness, swelling, etc. Must be healing, I didn't think of that. Thanks so much for the reply!
  2. J

    Itching at IV site

    I had my first infusion in my left arm on June 12th, second one in my right arm on June 26th. Just over this past weekend, my left arm has started itching around where the IV was. It's not a constant itch, but off and on. Should I be concerned about this, or is the itching normal?
  3. J

    Insurance Approval for Remicade

    Thanks Manzy! Lauren, yep that's the one! How did your first treatment go? Feeling any better yet?
  4. J

    Insurance Approval for Remicade

    Cool, me too! I'll be going to the center off W. Anderson.
  5. J

    Insurance Approval for Remicade

    2th fairy- Austin, you? I'm going back there tomorrow for the TB test results, so I will ask what to expect for the first time...drowsiness, etc. Wow, Clash, that's quite a commute! Hearing about your son is making be very hopeful! Thanks again!
  6. J

    Insurance Approval for Remicade

    Thanks for the advice! I went to the infusion center yesterday to get my TB test done, so I got a feel of what to expect. The nurse told me they provide snacks, or I could bring my own, and they have a tv. I will definitely also bring a book and headphones. Neither my doc's office nor the...
  7. J

    Insurance Approval for Remicade

    Thanks, Clash! That's so awesome that your son saw improvement so quickly. Hey Lauren I guess you gotta do what you gotta do to get approved.
  8. J

    Insurance Approval for Remicade

    Just got phone call from doc's office...I'm approved and covered 100%!!! Start my first treatment a week from now...wish me luck!
  9. J

    Insurance Approval for Remicade

    2thfairy, that's awesome that you got approved so fast! Thanks Manzy, me too! Thankfully my boss has been very understanding, but I hate to keep taking off work due to pain, discomfort, etc. Are ya'll able to hold down full-time jobs during flare-ups? Also, I tend to feel worse when I'm on my...
  10. J

    Insurance Approval for Remicade

    Thanks so much for ya'll's help and glad to hear positive things about Remicade. I called the dr's office and found out that all of my info (insurance, diagnosis, etc) is sent to a pre-certification office where it could take up to 3 weeks for me to get approved. In the meantime, hoping Entocort...
  11. J

    Insurance Approval for Remicade

    Thanks for the reply! I was just diagnosed Oct. 2011, so still trying to figure all this junk out!
  12. J

    Insurance Approval for Remicade

    Hi, I was wondering how long it typically takes for insurance to approve Remicade? The receptionist at my dr's office told me that the nurse would call my insurance to get approval. That was on the 16th. It's the 21st now. I would like to start treatment asap, as I am in a lot of...
  13. J

    Remicade, new to Crohn's questions

    I will talk to my doctor about the side effects and what to expect from it. I was wondering if anyone on this forum has experienced the more serious conditions (or knows anyone that has) from taking Remicade. No, my dr. didn't mention 6mp. Maybe I'll ask him about it next time.
  14. J

    Remicade, new to Crohn's questions

    Thank you so much, Inwe. You gave me the answers I was looking for and made me feel a lot better! My doc did talk to me about Humira, but decided I would try Remicade first. I'll try anything at this point! I hope the Remicade works for you, Lauren!
  15. J

    Remicade, new to Crohn's questions

    Hi all, I was diagnosed with Crohn's in October 2011. I was taking Entocort and Pentasa, which helped reduce my initial inflammation. I am now just taking the Pentasa, and my inflammation is back again. My doctor said that Entocort wasn't for long-term use and he strongly suggests I start...