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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    App not booked!!

    how do the people who care most for you help you?
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    How long did you wait?

    Hi please can you tell me how long you waited for a CT and colonoscopy on the NHS in england?
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    Weight loss

    thank you just hoping tests come through asap does anyone know how reliable the tests are if your not in a flare up?
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    Weight loss

    bms? waiting on CT colonoscopy and bloods to be done!!
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    What happens next?

    consultant thinks its crohns and has book blood tests, CT, and colonoscopy. Can anyone tell me what will happen if they find something how exactly do you get diagnosed?
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    Weight loss

    Has anyone experienced weight loss with no abdo pain and normal eating habits? joint pain, rash and fatigue are all bad but there no abdo pain at the moment just noticeable weight loss. Anyone any ideas why?