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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. S

    New but old

    Thanks for all the help. Appointment to discuss surgery august 9th and feeling much better after reading some positive things about it. Thanks again.
  2. S

    New but old

    Thanks David, I will have a look through surgery forum. Like I said previously my GI isn't the best at communicating, however I think its the ileum that they plan to remove. A recent MRI scan showed my small bowel had shrunk by about 30 percent due to scarring. So I know its going to have to be...
  3. S

    New but old

    Thanks Astrid. Its just really frustrating when no-one seem to want to give you any definate answers. I'm usually quite a tough cookie when it comes to my chrons. But the idea of surgery is quite scary. I can't continue with all side effects from meds though, its effecting my job for a start. I...
  4. S

    New but old

    So this is the first time I have ever joined a support group. But feel I need exactlty that right now. I was diagnosed with chrons at 18 years old and have now had it almost 14 years. For the most part of that, I have lead a normal life, probably down to me been very stubborn and inventing a new...