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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. K

    Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    Thanks Theresa, I will check it out!
  2. K

    Crazy check

    I feel for you. I am the mother of an 11 year old Crohn's patient who is now a 6 year veteran. The best advice I ever received is to ALWAYS listen to your gut. If you are uncomfortable, you owe it to yourself to make happen whatever it is you need to happen to be at peace. If that means...
  3. K

    Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    I completely understand what you are saying. If it helps at all, Dustin was the same way. Shy and embarrassed by it. It took a couple of months and he finally got to the point where he understood all he has to do is tell the teacher he needed to go to the restroom. No need to be embarassed...
  4. K

    Today my heart breaks.

    Hi Deanna, Like you, I am new to this forum and have quickly figured out that there are A LOT of families impacted by Crohn's. I just signed on this evening for the first time. I read your post and want to share my now 11 year old son's story with you in hopes that it may provide some...
  5. K

    Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    Hi Tess, Thank you for your reply. I appreciate you mentioning the treatment forum, I am still trying to figure out how to navigate the site. I will check it out. :) Kristi
  6. K

    Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    Hello, and Thank you for your reply.
  7. K

    Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    My 11 year old son was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2007. He started remicade infusions 2 years ago and did very well until February of this year. During the past 2 months his sypmtoms have continued to worsen. He had an MRE last week which indicated the original diseased areas were better...