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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. F

    Humira and TB

    My gatro totally ruled out Humira and Remicade. Says to high a risk. Have been doing blood work on a regular bases. We have seen my toxicity levels climb while on the Imuran while the therapeutic levels have not. He has suggested that we try 6-Thioquanine (Lanvis). This is a drug used for...
  2. F

    Humira and TB

    I am going ask my Internest to do a retest. I saw my Gastro Doctor on Wednesday. He had spoken with others in the field. All of them felt it was not worth the risks. Also in Duval county in Florida where I live when have had an outbreak of TB that had been kept under wraps. They have put me back...
  3. F

    Humira and TB

    I am a 54 year old male and was diagnosed with Crohn's 18yrs ago. I have been having trouble stay in remissions on oral meds. Currently on the taper down with Prednisone. This is not my first round with what I call the nasty stuff. I have a meeting with my GI doctor on Wednesday to discuss other...