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  1. C

    Dealing with chronic cramping pain and passing blood

    Well this is day 5 since my last episode, and I have hardly had a bowel movement to save my life. No severe pain or blood since monday. I have had small stomach cramps, and in some spots my abdomen is tender when I push on it. I have been eating things like soups, and drinking lots of water, V8...
  2. C

    Dealing with chronic cramping pain and passing blood

    They said my CBC blood test was normal. And since the very painful and bloody episode I had at 3am monday morning, I havent had a bowel movement, just some gas. But i havent been hurting, or feeling like hell. I have been feeling pretty good since Monday evening. I dont know if its the...
  3. C

    Dealing with chronic cramping pain and passing blood

    Not really, every now and then I would have stomach cramps right before having Diarreha, but never any blood. The 2 times this has happened now, I wake up have sever abdominal pain, followed by bloody stool for the next 8 to 12 hours, and then I have no bowel movements for a few days. Its kinda...
  4. C

    Dealing with chronic cramping pain and passing blood

    Yes, I was given the steroids yesterday, They are Prednisone 20mg tablets. 3 a day for 2 days 2 a day for 3 days 1 a day for 3 days and no I was not given a calcium supplement to take with them, but hey drew blood to check for anemia and I should have results today.
  5. C

    Dealing with chronic cramping pain and passing blood

    I went to the ER the did a fecal smear, said it tested positive for blood and Gave me a referral to the GI, That was the first time it happened about three weeks ago and it happened again last night and I went to my Primary Doc and she did a blood test, prescribed me some steroids for...
  6. C

    Dealing with chronic cramping pain and passing blood

    Hello My name is Charlie. I am currently not diagnosed with anything but the process is underway. The docs i have seen believe I may have Crohns Disease. For the second time in 3 weeks I have woke up from a dead sleep in the middle of the night with very severe cramping followed by Diarrhea with...