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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Scoop707

    Newbie here. UC is wearing me out. Just got diagnosed

    It's quite alright. I appreciate your honesty. I wish I knew what was going on with me. Just seems like since the trip to the hospital earlier this week and being put on the meds, which I'm not currently taking the Asacol Hd because it's too darned expensive, I've had these wierd things...
  2. Scoop707

    Newbie here. UC is wearing me out. Just got diagnosed

    Thanks for the info. I happen to have found a pharmacy based in Canada that sells the Asacol Hd 800mg for $120 for 90 pills and then, of course, there's a discount for the more you buy as well. I think that price is a lot better than the $411 I was quoted at Wal-Mart.
  3. Scoop707

    Newbie here. UC is wearing me out. Just got diagnosed

    In regards to the constipation, would it be ok for me to take a laxative or would that be frowned upon?
  4. Scoop707

    Newbie here. UC is wearing me out. Just got diagnosed

    That's just great. More meds. :( At one point in time, I had been taking 8 medications a day due to various other illnesses. I loathe taking medications. Although, I'd give anything to be able to go to the bathroom right now. I've only gone once in 4 days and my stomach is killing me. I've tried...
  5. Scoop707

    Newbie here. UC is wearing me out. Just got diagnosed

    Well, the Crohn's diagnosis was based on a biopsy that was done during my last colonoscopy and blood tests. The UC was based on blood tests, an X-ray, and a sigmoidoscopy done by the ER doc where he found small bleeding ulcers. I'm scheduled to go see another GI on the 23rd where I'm sure he...
  6. Scoop707

    Newbie here. UC is wearing me out. Just got diagnosed

    Sorry, I dropped off there. I got busy at work. Knowing you have it certainly does make you have a new outlook on things that's for sure.
  7. Scoop707

    Newbie here. UC is wearing me out. Just got diagnosed

    My dad isn't coping well with it. He's had numerous complications to the surgery which has required more surgeries. Basically, anymore surgeries and it could kill him. He just turned 60. As far as experience with IBD, I wouldn't go that far. I did a lot of research while I was in the hospital...
  8. Scoop707

    Newbie here. UC is wearing me out. Just got diagnosed

    I was originally diagnosed with Crohn's as well but the last doc I saw said it was UC. I've had a colonoscopy and a sigmoidoscopy a few years ago and had healthy intestines. About 6 months ago, I started having diarrhea about 12-14 times a day with occasional bloody stools. And then of course...
  9. Scoop707

    Newbie here. UC is wearing me out. Just got diagnosed

    Lol, pun definitely intended, huh? So, how long have you had this ungodly disease? How has your diet changed? How often do you have flare ups? What meds are you taking for it?
  10. Scoop707

    Newbie here. UC is wearing me out. Just got diagnosed

    Thank you for the link. I make almost $50,000 a year so I wouldn't qualify for state assistance. My job doesn't offer health insurance because under the law we are too small of a company and its not required. I should've had health insurance a long time ago but didn't think that what was...
  11. Scoop707

    Newbie here. UC is wearing me out. Just got diagnosed

    Thankfully, I have an understanding boss that just laughs when I have to go to the bathroom all of the time. :) I work full time although the frequent trips to the bathroom do make it difficult at times. I'm not sure what you mean as far as a medical card though? I'm meeting with someone today...
  12. Scoop707

    Newbie here. UC is wearing me out. Just got diagnosed

    Ok, so I was just diagnosed with UC a couple of days ago after a night in the hospital. I'd been having 12-14 bowel movements a day for about 6 months and then all of a sudden they stopped and I hadn't had any for 3 days. My stomach was distended and cramping so they admitted me into the...