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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. I

    Here I am

    Oh, I forgot to mention that I also have Gastroparesis, which is where my stomach doesn't empty as fast as it should. I had the radioisotope gastric emptying scan done, ate a peanut butter sandwich (since I can't stand eggs) sprinkled with radioactive substance that shows up while you lie under...
  2. I

    Here I am

    Hi David, I read about ME and thought the same thing. Right now I am on prescription strength Zantac 600 mg a day, for my GERD which is also supposed to suppress the hives as it is an H2 blocker and there are days I am taking 1200 mg of Zantac just to help alleviate the hives and it doesn't...
  3. I

    Here I am

    Hello Trysha, Thanks for the welcome and your kind words. I can only WISH that the steroids had helped, but after 7 months on them (and much weight gain), I was getting hives while on them AND I was on vacation in about NO The hives ARE terrible add that to the...
  4. I

    Here I am

    Hello David, Thanks for the welcome. To be honest, I have never felt more alone since this started. Yes, they feel the hives are related to my IBS, and I believe they are looking at Mastocyctic Enterocolitis, but won't have a definitive answer until they do the colonoscopy/endoscopy in Dec...
  5. I

    Here I am

    Hello Everyone, My name is Maureen and I live in NJ. Looking back over the many years I realized I have always had problems with my bowels. As a child I can still see myself lying on the kitchen table as a neighbor (who was a nurse) was giving me an enema. I wouldn't know what it is like to...